Be The Light!

Hi Peeps!

So today, I just got off a virtual video call with my work colleagues and we were all talking about how we’ve been coping in this whole new work environment/structure with all of us working remotely. All I could think about is how blessed we were to live in an age where we have technology available to us that allows us to socially connect even in this season of “Social Distancing” because of the Covid-19 Pandemic.

We can still encourage each other even if we have to do things remotely. I often wonder about those that don’t have technology, how do they handle social distancing? It’s kind of ironic in a way in that technology has a way of blocking face-to-face interaction as everyone can simply text or face-time someone, and yet in this season these methods are what we need to remain connected with one another.

If you have the technology to communicate with someone in these season of social distancing, then I encourage you to reach out to people that need you in this season who can’t handle this form of isolation. It can be daunting for those that thrive in gatherings and community so lets be the hands and feet of Jesus doing Good wherever we are in the world and reach out to those that need a touch of encouragement this season.

John 8:12– [ Dispute Over Jesus’ Testimony ] When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

John 9:5– While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”

I have this song by Wande feat. Evan and Eris called Be The Light. I pray that this song encourages you today. God Bless You Everybody! 🙂

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