Symphony of Peace

Hi Peeps!

I have this awesome song by Switch feat. Dillon Chase called Symphony. This song is just amazing on surround sound. I’ve been thinking that sometimes we can get bombarded by a lot of distractions, that make us feel like we’re passing through some kind of whirlwind called “Chaos” and “Confusion”. Whenever you feel this whirlwind that causes you to cloud your judgement when making an important “life decision”, learn to still your heart and pray to God for peace and clarity regarding a situation rather than simply opting for a rash decision. I know that through this week, I was bombarded by a lot of information and it was causing me to feel rash and emotional and uneasy because I was being moved by people’s opinions and ‘so-called’ advice when really, I had to sit myself down, shut the noise and simply pray and ask God “What does God say?” about a situation.

It’s easy to be moved by peoples judgments and opinions, but it is better to still your heart for a moment and pray to seek the Holy Spirit to give you clarity over a situation in order to make a sound judgement call. Do not be swayed too-and-fro by the mere opinions of others without taking the time to assess a situation in a quiet place away from distractions that cause you to feel confused and indecisive. That was how my week was like last week, but this Friday, I decided to shut out the noise of people’s opinions and sought to pray to the Holy Spirit about a situation I’m facing right now and was able to arrive at a sound decision.

I like this song because it’s about drowning out the noise in your life that causes you to feel chaos and confusion. You don’t need strife in your life when you can fill your soul with peace by relying on the voice of the Holy Spirit that is able to guide you to make a well informed and sound decision on any situation that calls for you to make a decision. Don’t be swayed too-and-fro from so many opinions of others without properly assessing:

  • What it is that you need right now?
  • What is it that you can do without? and
  • Will whatever decision you make impact you in a positive or negative way?

That is something I had to assess in order to become decisive. An opportunity to be promoted has come before me and I’ve decided to take it. When God opens a door, you may not know what’s on the other side and it may cause you to feel scared to walk through it, but understand that opportunities don’t always come often when a door opens for you to prosper. Yes, you may face challenges, but God’s will for your life will remain the same and that is:

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

I pray that as you listen to this song today that you remember to drown out the negative feedback and noise that people come to distract your focus on the goal that God has for your life. You will succeed in all that you put your hand to do when you have God on your side, so be encouraged and remember to keep you eyes fixed on Jesus. God Bless You everybody! 🙂

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