Always Only Jesus!

Hi Peeps!

Yay, for the Long weekend! Well, it’s Labour Day here in Canada which means a short work week for me! YAY! Honestly, summer went by so quickly that it’s almost a blur what happened this summer for me. It’s in this transition of seasons that we must realize that we must adjust our attitudes and behaviours to embrace and adapt to the new things that are coming our way in the new season that God is pushing us to. You may have enjoyed this past summer season but this season is coming to an end and Fall is around the corner for those who live in the Northern Hemisphere.

I believe that no matter where you are in the world, you always have to remain vigilant about the new seasons that God brings you to. If you don’t adjust your attitude to the new seasons that God brings you to, then you will always fail to recognize the “right” opportunities and people you are supposed to connect to and also disconnect from in the new season.

Some people that walked with you in the last season, were only for that Season only and cannot be brought into the new thing that God is pushing you towards. It is at this time that building on spiritual discernment and discerning the times is important so that you remain aware that walking in the Will of God won’t always attract friends that will support it.

Sometimes, the friends of your last season will become the enemies of your new season and that is when you have to learn to cut off a meaningful relationship at the right time when you see a change in behaviour that does not align with God’s purpose for your life. Friendly friends can be triggered by the blessings coming your way and can easily turn into Unfriendly friends in your next season. It is up to you to recognize when that friendship is over. Think of Saul and David. Saul didn’t initially hate David, because Saul enjoyed the way David played the harp even when he was going crazy at times. The playing of the harp would ease Saul’s soul for a time but there came a point where he despised David if you continue to read the following chapters of 1 Samuel 16-18.

A friend of yesterday can easily become an enemy tomorrow given the right conditions and circumstances that arise in your life. Especially, when God wants to promote you and elevate you to a new level for the purpose of His Kingdom. The thing is, it’s sometimes hard to let go of meaningful relationships when we treasure those relationships and want to keep them. But sometimes, the will of God will trump that relationship over your life if God’s purpose is to elevate you, and protect you from being derailed from fulfilling your God-given destiny for your life by helping you to cut those relationships “On time” so that you don’t bring them into a season where God wants to elevate you, especially, when certain friendships are posing as a hindrance to His purpose for your life. You will have to learn to fear God more so than your friends and family at times just in order to stay in right-standing with God. This by no means is an easy task, but that is the reason fearing the Lord is so important, because fools despise wisdom whereas a wise man will fear the Lord and will simply do what He says even if it doesn’t make sense to you at the time and isn’t always the easiest choice to make either.

Psalm 111:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever.

Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Proverbs 9:10The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

So when you think about pursuing to fulfill your God-given purpose in life, just remember, that God will shake certain things in your life on purpose in order to prune the dead-end relationships that won’t add to your life nor help you in fulfilling your God-driven destiny. Learn to appreciate the changes that come in every season, and remember that God does things always for your good, even if you don’t understand it at the time. His will, will always be to prosper you and not to harm you, and to give you hope and a bright future, so let God shake what needs to be shaken out of your life in order for His will to come to pass in your life, Amen! 🙂

Jeremiah 29:11(NIV)

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future

To finish off this post, I have this amazing song by ISLY called Always Only Jesus. I pray that this song blesses your Spirit today. God Bless You Everybody! 🙂

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