Press In Your Presence – I will fight to worship you!

Hi Everybody!

I pray that you all are having a blessed Sunday. God is our strength from day to day and today is another day to give him the highest praise! 😀

Today, I just want to seek y’all to pray for a young man by the name of Richie who is struggling with his family that is threatening him to stop pursuing praise and worship as a musician in our band. The situation is rather complex, but this young man loves God and wants to stay on our worship team, but the issues at home are preventing him from pursuing God with the passion he has burning in his chest to play his bass guitar with his friends in our praise team. He was beaten up by his father last night and the conditions at home are quite complicated since his father is living with another woman that is not his mother, and his grandmother is another obstacle that literally tried to stop him from coming to church last Sunday to do worship with us, however, he was able to make it after a phone call conversation with my Pastor. Seriously, can you believe that????!!!

People, this is what I mean when I say Worship is warfare…and unfortunately, in the case of Richie, this is the situation. Despite all of this, we are praying for him and we are taking steps to defend and fight for this young man that needs covering to get through all this. I simply cannot understand why people would want to prevent others from worshiping God, but without revealing too much personal information, what I will say is that we are up against a Strongman which is the spirit of RELIGION, coupled with PRIDE and ARROGANCE and a Spirit of CONTROL. So I pray that all my blogger friends join me and pray for this young man who seeks to pursue his passion to be a part of what God is doing. God wants this young man to worship freely and without being manipulated. He called my pastor and told him that he was really sad today because he really wanted to worship with us today. It really broke my heart because last week when he worshiped with us for the first time, he totally enjoyed it, I mean thoroughly enjoyed it. He has never felt so free in worship in his entire life and the best thing was that the whole band was comprised with his friends.

Worshiping God with freedom is a river to ones soul. It fills you and satisfies you in ways you cannot even begin to imagine or explain. The moment people try to snatch your worship away, it’s as if your soul has been thrust into a desert where you remain thirsty seeking for that drop of water to fill you with life again. I know personally and from experience that I cannot be in a place where worship is not done freely, and if a spirit of Control is attached to every action of a worshiper then aren’t we just marionettes singing songs masquerading as worship?

God doesn’t want a puppet show where one is only pulling at the strings, He wants each and every person to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. 

My Pastor is going to speak to the boy’s family today and as he does this let us put our hearts together and pray for this young man called Richie and pray that God breaks through in his situation. He is seeking God and we are praying that God will intervene in Jesus Name. 

Thank you so much for praying with me everyone. I really appreciate it.

If two or more are seen as touching anything, whatever we ask of God, it shall be done, Amen!

Here is a song by Shana Wilson that came to me as a song that seems to be the right one to minister to this young man’s needs called Press in Your Presence. I pray that this song blesses your spirit today. God Bless you everybody! 😀 

2 thoughts on “Press In Your Presence – I will fight to worship you!

  1. I will be keeping Richie in prayer because I know that we serve a God that fights for us so He will definitely fight for His children! ;D


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