Committing to God’s Business Plan for Your Life

Hello Everybody! 😀

Today, I want to talk about God’s business plan for your life. In order for me to talk about this, you kind of need to know what it means to have a business plan, so I’ll give you an example from the Business World.

a91a4ac7a83095fb0178c01991d87132In my workplace, I assist a VP and a group of directors and managers in the process of creating a business plan for our subgroup. We drew up plans for certain strategic goals and initiatives we’d like to implement for the year and after we finalized these goals and initiatives, we drew up a financial proposal for funds required to support our groups goals and initiatives. These plans are then given to the Executive board of directors for the company who decide what goals they are willing to implement and what they are not, and they also ensure our strategic goals and initiatives fit in alignment with the overall organization’s  strategic plan, goals and initiatives. On that basis, that’s when we find out what our year is going to look like and helps us to re-strategize for initiatives that are scrapped, or under-funded or under-resourced.

In the same way, God is like the head of an organization who has a Strategic plan for your life. He has a Business Plan for your life and wants you to be a part of it.

The Question is, “do you know what God’s plan is for your life?”


Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

God’s plan is to have you included in His business plan. I know that many of us have our own sets of goals, aspirations, dreams and most likely have our own plan of obtaining the things we desire, but the question I want to pose to you is this, Did you give your plan to God for Him to screen and assess what goals do not line up with the vision that He has for your life?

I was talking to God the other day, through prayer obviously, and the Lord gave me this idea for this post, in fact most of my blog posts are inspired by the Holy Spirit. I never write until I have a message. Anyway, so I was praying the other day and the Holy Spirit just kept bringing to my attention on the hard work it was to set up all these meetings to create my subgroups business plan before the executive committee and the Holy Spirit brought to my attention and asked me a question. He asked me, “How many of My people ask me about their business plan for their lives?” And the question really hit me, because I had to assess myself and think, how many times had I failed to bring an idea or desire before God and asked Him what He thought about it and the way I was going about it?

We have to include God in our business plan. I believe that God wants to satisfy the desires of our hearts, but how about partnering with Him by also including in our plan to satisfy the desires of Jesus’ heart. When you include God in your plan, you will surely succeed. You see, most of the time, our desires, goals and dreams don’t always line up with God’s plan for our lives and then people get disappointed when things don’t go their way. Have you ever asked God to screen and assess your business plan to see if it lines up with His vision for your life?  If the answer is no, then this is the point I’m making, we need to go back to that place where we put the desires of our own hearts into God’s hand so that He can screen what is in alignment to His will for your life, and scrap out what you don’t need in your life, because sometimes, our desires are not always pure and may potentially be desires that steer you away from true success.

May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.

But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.


You see, we need to understand that though God wants us to succeed, we also have to understand that our destiny is also wrapped up in Jesus. He gave you talents in order to use them to advance His cause, which is the cause of Christ Jesus to spread the gospel of hope, peace and love to a world that does not know Him.

Well, how can I line up with God’s Business plan? 

Let me encourage you and say that God has given us all we need to be effective to minister the Word of God to a world that doesn’t know him. Some people think that they have nothing to offer if they don’t stand on the pulpit, but let me tell you right now, it’s not about standing on the pulpit. You are important and your gift and talents are what you need to use to advance God’s Business.

My gift is in writing and business administration. I’m an Executive Assistant in the Legal Profession. I currently use these gifts in the church as a Personal Assistant to my Pastors. I started blogging for myself, but have used my abilities to create a website for my church to transmit sermons for those that are unable to make it to church. I’m in charge of the social media aspects of the church with Facebook and twitter, periscope etc etc. I prepare sound check and the projector for the worship service and do a bunch of other things from skills I already use in the marketplace. I also minister in the church and preach/prophesy whenever I’m requested to speak under submission to my pastors. I’m using what I know to do to be effective in advancing the message of the gospel and so can you. I enjoy writing more than speaking, and hence I blog a lot, however, what I’m trying to say is that God has already given you the tools to be a blessing to someone else. I’m not saying that you should do what I do. I’m only doing what I know to do based on my gifts and talents. You should utilize your own gifts your own way to do the same thing. You really don’t have to over-think this folks. God needs you to join Him in His Business Plan. Will you join and partner with Jesus on this?

c9ed72f44d4746bd4962c5c3211d7bbdIf you’re asking yourself “How can I be used, I don’t know what to do with my gift or talent?”, Well, what I’ll say to you is this, there is no gift or talent that is too small that it can’t be used by God to be a blessing to someone else. I’ll give you some examples. If you are a stay-at-home mom, and you love children, then you can be helpful in Children’s ministry. Teach the kids in the church how to love God and worship him. If you are a cleaner/custodian, the church needs to be cleaned and prepared for welcoming newcomers and people that need to hear the message without stepping on gum or what have you on the ground and being distracted by how the place is messy. Be a blessing and volunteer to clean the church. If you only know how to cook then, help out during special events with catering for food or join a soup kitchen and serve the poor who are hungry. If you are an architect, you can assist in expansion and provide structural consultation and advice regarding how the church building can create rooms for more activities for other ministries. If you are a financial advisor in the marketplace, you can use your skills in the church to get people in the church out of debt by volunteering your expertise. If you are a nurse, if somebody suddenly collapses in the church, you will be needed to assist that person.  If you know how to play an instrument or know how to sing, join the worship team. If you are a teacher, then assist the church with bible-study classes. I could go on and on and on, but what I’m trying to say is, that everybody is relevant and God gave you these gifts and talents as a part of  Jesus’ Business Plan. If you do not include Jesus in the plans for your life, just know that your plans are futile and won’t succeed.

The Lord knows all human plans; he knows that they are futile.

If you want God to be helping you in your business, you have to want to be a part of helping Him in His business. You will require wise counsel and direction which also means that if you want great success in your life, you must show your business plan to the Greatest CEO of your Life, Jesus Christ.

Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.

Do not be disappointed with the things God strikes off on the list of your strategic plan for success. Just be aware, that His plan is still to prosper you and He knows exactly what you need and require in order to achieve your dreams, but you have to be humble, willing to work, and willing to press forward towards the goal, His WAY. Include God in the picture of your life, Amen!

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.

Plans are established by seeking advice; so if you wage war, obtain guidance.

There is a consequence for ignoring to give God the Business Plan for your life to see if it aligns with His Business Plan. You will do things in your own might and power and will do things in secret thinking you’re smart and do not need advice on how to make it. Many people expect God to follow their plans, but have no intention of being part of the overall plan that God has over their lives. Such people do not know the meaning of submission and are very rebellious. If you fail to be a part of God’s Business plan, then I can tell you right now, you will live a very difficult life and will lose everything you think you’ve worked hard for within a blink of an eye if you assume that Your Ways are better than God’s ways. I guarantee that.

The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.

Woe to those who go to great depths to hide their plans from the Lord, who do their work in darkness and think, “Who sees us? Who will know?”

[ Woe to the Obstinate Nation ] “Woe to the obstinate children,” declares the Lord, “to those who carry out plans that are not mine, forming an alliance, but not by my Spirit, heaping sin upon sin;

When you partner with Jesus as the CEO of your life, you will be successful in every area. Do not be obstinate and incorrigible about how you want to do life. Learn to seek God in EVERYTHING that you do. You need Him to screen your dreams, plans and desires to ensure that they line up with His Jeremiah 29:11 strategic plan for your life. If you want to have no part in the overall spreading the gospel of Truth part of that plan, then you have automatically shut God out of your plan. You must understand that your life is so much more than waking up, going to work, making money, eating and sleeping and waking up the next day to do that all over again. There is a generation dying to know that they have a purpose in their life and need direction, but how can they receive direction if no one wants to follow God’s business plan?

But the noble make noble plans, and by noble deeds they stand.


In order to align to God’s Business Plan for your life, you need to know His Word. This isn’t an option, it’s a requirement to satisfy the conditions of success, and I mean Godly success.

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

Isaiah 55:8-9

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.

Remember, our ways are not His ways, so let us partner with Jesus and get on the same page and join in on committing to God’s Business Plan for our lives, Amen! 😀

Here is a song by Bethel’s Steffany Frizzell-Gretzinger  called Closer. I pray that this song ministers to your spirit today. God bless you everybody! 😀


Saved to Serve, Serve to Rule on Earth as it is in Heaven

Kingdom Enforcers Conference 2012 at my church Kingdom Covenant Center

Hi Everybody!

Well, as you know I was attending a Kingdom Enforcers Conference hosted by my Church this week hence the reason why I wasn’t able to blog for a while and let me tell you that it’s been an awesome conference. I was a participant and an attendee and let me tell you, I am sooo filled and I hope that people are able to come to it next year because it will definitely change your life. We had delegates from across the globe attend from far an wide, some from Korea, Papua New Guinea, South Africa, Australia, England, Indonesia, Zimbabwe, Kenya etc etc just to name a few. I will surely advertise it here so that any of my readers can come on down to Canada and get what you can get out of this conference I was at. God is Awesome!!!!!!!

So today I want to talk about being Saved to Serve in order to Serve to Rule. The Message of the Kingdom is that the message of salvation has a purpose. That purpose is to SERVE. You Get Saved to Serve the MOST HIGH GOD with your talents and abilities in order to empower others and that is how you move from being a servant of God by becoming a Ruler in your sphere of influence.

The main reason why we go to Church is to be empowered to empower, AMEN! So don’t sit there satisfied that your name is written in the Lambs Book of Life when other brothers and sisters need to have theirs written in it too. You have the ability to preach, serve and save others out of ignorance and into the Kingdom that is filled with WEALTH, KNOWLEDGE & POWER!

Key Note Speaker Mike Murdock

God empowers us so that we can empower others, God saved us so that we can save others….We have to imitate Christ in all facets of our lives. Jesus didn’t sit on His anointing, He went out and performed exploits. He gathered a bunch of businessmen and also realize that Jesus was a self-employed carpenter before He became a Rabbi and the Messiah to the people. He knew how to make money with his gifting  since he was called the “son of the Carpenter” (Mark 6:3) and that is why He was always able to use His knowledge to build people as well. This is also the reason why He chose disciples that worked  and had skilled trades and abilities to create wealth because Jesus values KNOWLEDGE.

Jesus used their knowledge and chose them to help build the future Church of Jesus Christ. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER and without it people perish (Hosea 4:6). Don’t wait to get to Heaven to rule as a joint heir in Christ as a king when you can do it here in earth. Whatever you do here on Earth is done in Heaven so get a hold of your identity now and start ruling in the areas of business, health, education, religion, social services, sports, media, Arts and entertainment, Law and Law enforcement, Government, Finance, and your Family as well. These 12 Kingdoms need to be ruled by biblical principles so work your Faith out and use the knowledge you have to empower the Body of Christ to become influential members of society within these kingdoms.

That is what we must do. So I challenge you today… move from just being a babe in Christ and Serve in the Kingdom. You serve in your places of work but you must also give back and serve in your Churches as well. You need to bless the hand the fed you with the LIVING WORD! This is sooooo important and so many people miss this.

The Kingdoms of this world are any area you have abilities to perform in. If you are in the Arts Industry, serve well in that area and use your influence to give back that knowledge to the Children of God in your Churches so that they can become affluent in that area. If it is Health, educate the Body of Christ if you serve in that Kingdom. The Kingdoms in this World are Your JOBS! Your Abilities, your skills your Knowledge. Give back to God what He has empowered you to do. The Knowledge you gain from the world, must be shared to empower others to rise up and become rulers in those kingdoms. Serve in your churches by sharing your Knowledge that you gained in your Jobs in your places of Work so that people can be elevated to a new dimension of Glory by the Knowledge you share.

Be hungry for the knowledge of the World so that you can empower the body of Christ with that knowledge and use it to create  Kingdom focused ideas that rescue souls out of places where there is lack of opportunities. This is how you become a solution, AMEN! Well there is so much I learned at the conference so like I said, when this conference happens again next year, I will advertise it here on my blog and maybe next  year I’ll see my blogger friends here in Canada.  God bless you everyone!

I have a song here to bless you today that we sang at the KE Conference called The I AM Factor sung by by Donald Lawrence & Company (YRM).

Scriptures to Meditate

Hosea 4:6
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.

Isaiah 58:12
Those from among you Shall build the old waste places; You shall raise up the foundations of many generations; And you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, The Restorer of Streets to Dwell In.

Revelation 11:15
[ Seventh Trumpet: The Kingdom Proclaimed ] Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!” Registered & Protected