Too Good to Not Believe!

Hi Peeps!

I just want to share this amazing song sung by Bethel Music and Brandon Lake called Too Good to Not Believe. I am so into this song right about now and just wanted to encourage you with this thought today… We as Christ believers must believe in the Wonder working miraculous-ness of God. It takes a lot of faith to simply accept Jesus as Saviour and Lord, but as we continue to walk in our Salvation through this journey of Faith, we must not let out faith dwindle but rather, we must purpose to cultivate it by continuously meditating God’s Word, and putting what we believe into PRACTICE. Faith without works is dead, but a Faith that is experiences by the works we choose to perform by Holy Spirit inspiration is what produces unfathomable results.

As Christians, I’ve been thinking about why Wonders and Signs aren’t following us like how they followed the Apostles when they were commissioned by Christ to spread the Word of God to the nations. We need to be of the same mind of the apostles and seek to function with the same level of expectant faith to see God work miracles for us and through us. If we want to see a great dispensation of the Holy Spirit functioning in the World, we need to increase our revelation and expectation for Miracles that God wants to perform through us by choosing to seek God’s will for our lives purposefully. When you seek Him, you will find Him. May we choose to Seek God diligently and find Him.

Here are some scriptures to help you mediate on this today:

Matthew 6:33
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

James 2:19-25

19 You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble! 20 But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is [a]dead? 21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? 22 Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made [b]perfect? 23 And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “Abraham believed God, and it was [c]accounted to him for righteousness.” And he was called the friend of God. 24 You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only.

25 Likewise, was not Rahab the harlot also justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out another way?

James 2:18
But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.

Drawing Closer to God

Hello Everybody! 😀

It’s been a while since my last post but I’m spending time with God by praying and fasting with my church for 1 week for the month of April. Although it is for 1 week, I’m looking forward to the next month where we will be doing 30 days for Prayer and Fasting. I really want people to tap into breakthroughs this year but not many churches want to pray and fast these days. Sometimes, the challenges we face require more than just prayer, you may require fasting in order to receive your breakthrough. I know that every time I’ve fasted, I’ve always seen results. People in my church have seen results to the point that people keep asking when is the next prayer and fasting session. People are hungry to tap into what can only be found in the Spirit. The Lord reveals so much during the fast that it empowers you when you humble your flesh to yield to the Power of the Holy Spirit.

Might and Power can only take you so far, but it is by His Spirit that you conquer your challenges that you face. It’s day 2 of the Fast for me for this month since we started yesterday and God is just doing amazing things. I feel like He’s just showing me things in the Word that I didn’t see before and I’m preparing to release this Word for Friday night with my members. I will eventually post it on here and on my church’s website after I release it to the Church first, but y’all can wait right lol. 🙂

For now I just want to post this song that has been ministering to my Spirit. It’s from Antwaun Stanley called You Are the Source.

I pray that this song blesses your Spirit Today.  God Bless You everybody! 😀

Wake Up the Wonder

Hello People! 

Did ya miss me? lol just kiddin’ 😀

I have a part 2 to my previous post regarding God’s PA review, but I won’t share it on here yet until I’ve ministered this message to my church this Friday. I feel like I can’t release the message just yet. You can wait right? 🙂

I thank the Holy Spirit for giving me a timely message. When I do share it this Friday, I pray that it may minister to somebody’s spirit. I’m in a place where God keeps revealing so many new messages that I need to record everything so that I don’t forget. I welcome questions and will try to answer them to the best of my ability. When God is speaking to you, have a notebook, or tablet or laptop to record these things. Save every detail that you remember so that you can continue to fine tune your ears to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to you the Church.

I entitled this post after Elevation Worship’s cd title Wake Up the Wonder (can you tell I’m still on this Elevation Worship tip…I just love them! lol 🙂 ) because that is the main message. Wake up the wonder inside of you. This is the mystery that needs to be revealed to the World, that you have CHRIST in you, the hope of glory. You are the miracle that you seek, you are the answer to your own problem, and you are the answer that the world seeks. You are a revival starter. It all begins with you, so stop looking around when you should be looking in the mirror and seeing that the answer already arrived, the answer is YOU, Amen! 😀

To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

So in the mean time I want to post a song by Elevation Worship called The King Among Us.  


It’s PA time with GOD, how did you measure up?

Hello People!

You must be wondering “what’s up with the title today Sherline?” What does PA mean or stand for? For those of you who “work”, you know that this is the time of the year for Year-End reviews for Performance Appraisals. That’s what PA stands for, Performance Appraisal.

madeformovedark_grandeSo I got around to thinking, we work hard to prove why some of us are eligible for a promotion, a step up the ladder if you will, or a bonus and we create a list of things we’ve done throughout the year to prove that we have done all we can to move to the next level to upgrade our situation. At the same time though, there will be people in this mix that have done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING to warrant a promotion, and yet with a self-entitled attitude, they’ll expect to move ahead with the “nothing” that they’ve had to offer. In some workplaces, you will see people unfairly passed on for promotions even though they’ve done the work to be rewarded for it and still have a bunch of lazy ones moving ahead simply because of “who they know” (Nepotism) and yet, when they land in such positions, their attitudes haven’t changed and they still continue with the bad behaviour they had in the previous role and are a train-wreck in the workplace. If you can relate to this, put one hand up somebody. 😦

So let’s take a look at this with our own walk with God. I personally look at myself right now and cannot lie and say that I don’t need improvement. Yes, I’m in ministry, I have done outreach, organized events etc etc, but apart from these “activities”, I think God looks at us with a different set of evaluations and criteria.

GOD is ALWAYS looking at the HEART.

1 Samuel 16:7 (NKJV)

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees;[a] for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”


When you look at Saul the “people pleaser” and David the “God chaser”, you can assess why God made and promoted David a simple shepherd boy to become King over Israel. In the workplace you may find those around you that kiss other people’s derrière (butt) just to move ahead and think that’s ok, but really, under God’s standards, that “people pleasing” behaviour is one that I do not believe God appreciates nor condones. When you simply do the right thing, that should be enough to reward you and elevate you, but that comes with the attitude of gratitude, patience and humility. Please refer back to my Humility will Promote You in your Destiny post.

Matthew 23:12

And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.

For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”

I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”

[ The Humbled and Exalted Christ ] Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus,

Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time,

I cannot stress how HUMILITY is key for the sake of promotion. I know a lot of unfair things can happen in the workplace or even in ministry, or in life for that matter, but at the same time, you must maintain your INTEGRITY. My grandparents and parents always say this to me and my sisters and I will repeat this to my own kids (some day when I have them) and you my readers that “Do things as if you are doing them unto the Lord”. Don’t try to exalt yourself before men by being a “people pleaser”. You will operate as a person with NO STANDARDS. You will be wishy-washy wavering between TWO OPINIONS (1 Kings 18:21). And you know what the double-minded man is like in the Bible? It says that a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. Do you want to be like that? I don’t think so.  When you act in humility, you will always operate with the mind of Christ. You must always remember that.

he is a doubleminded man, unstable in all his ways.

tumblr_lzdw33cpad1qhmhdfo1_500Therefore, assess yourself by GOD’s STANDARDS. I’m not talking about just in ministry, or in the workplace, but in every area of your life. Be honest with yourself. If you had to rate yourself between 1-10, where would you really sit? As much as some of us prepare for our elevation speeches during our PA discussions with our bosses, you must prepare yourself before God. I will speak for myself and say that even though I’ve grown spiritually with some of my giftings, God is always looking at my heart. Do I love His people enough? I feel that I need improvement in this area. It doesn’t matter how many people I’ve ministered too, the question is always on the basis of God’s perspective, not my own perspective of the matter. I always have to rate myself in the Love-meter of God’s evaluation. If in God’s eyes, I can do better, then I myself, must do better and not be satisfied with my current status-quo.

I CAUTION YOU: Do not be deceived by people’s flattery of your achievements, if God sees that you’re not on the right path, then no amount of compliments from people can change God’s evaluation of YOU at that point. So always, measure yourself through God’s lenses, and not simply rely on other people’s opinion of how good you are right about now. Otherwise, you’ll end up like Saul puffed up with PRIDE and ready for God’s DEMOTION. I don’t think you want that now do you? Remain humble at all times.

How many people know that in the workplace, it doesn’t matter how skilled you are sometimes even though having skills is important, employers prize those with “soft-skills” which are referred to as “people skills” and “relationship-building” skills. If in the world those skills are important and are enough to promote people at times, then the same applies with God. How do you treat His people? Are you a relationship builder or a self-interested individual looking to climb over others just to move ahead in life? Be very honest with yourself and do some serious self-inventory of your life.

but-god-looks-at-the-heartThe mistakes some people make when they go for PA evaluations with their bosses is that they do not assess themselves at all. Some people even think that they have nothing to improve upon because they’re comfortable with the bare minimum and wonder why they are passed on for promotions. God is the same. He is always evaluating our performance everyday of our lives. He assess us through our hearts. If you have bitterness issues, then make it a point to work on that this year, if you’ve got self-esteem issues, then work on that this year, if you lack knowledge in a certain area, then upgrade yourself and go to school, read up on stuff, find out what you need to know and seek out resources that have the answers you need in order to become fully effective. If you are jealous of your brother or sister who is moving up, then you’ve got to get that checked out pronto. God will not deal with a jealous-spirited person kindly. I’m just being real with you on that one.

NO ONE, and I mean absolutely NO ONE can do all these necessary self-assessments for you, except YOU. So if you’re upset as to why certain things haven’t happened in your life, then you’ve got to realize that you need to do something different, otherwise you’ll be stuck in a cycle of insanity. Understand, that when you start your own self-evaluations, talk to the Holy Spirit. He has a way of being brutally honest with you and will convict you of areas that require improvement. I tend to fast and pray when I need to hear from the Holy Spirit and I totally recommend it if you need to hear clearly as to what it is that you need to do differently in order to see positive results occur in your life.

Understand, that with your limited level of understanding, you simply don’t have all the answers to move forward, so go to God who has all the answers, Amen! Don’t worry about where you are right now, just understand that when you start chasing God, like David did, He will accelerate somethings in your life that should’ve taken years to happen, but you have to remain humble until that time. Also, be aware that with promotion comes responsibility. Are you up for the task??? Seriously assess and ask yourself these questions before hounding God about wanting a promotion. God’s method can be so out of this world and mind-blowing that if He can turn a simple shepherd-boy (David) into a King overnight, then what say you about YOU? It’s okay to seek wise counsel as well, but at the end of the day, you need to be very God-reliant and humble enough to seek God’s advice for yourself so that He can direct your path, Amen! 😀

So my main message is, be a “GOD CHASER” for your PA review with GOD. Don’t be a “people pleaser” before God, because I guarantee that if that’s they way you’ve been doing life right about now, you will be demoted just like King Saul was…and his ending was quite tragic…I just want you to be aware of the ramifications of that behaviour. Be a GOD CHASER people. That’s my goal in life and I pray that that’s yours too. 🙂


I have a song from Elevation Worship that’s been in my spirit called Here as in Heaven.  I pray that this song ministers to your spirit today. God Bless you everybody! 😀



God is in this Place

Hello People!

I’m just posting a song today sung by Bonnie Deuschle & Celebration Choir called God is in this Place.  I love this song since the choir sings in my Zimbabwean Language “Shona” when they say Mwari vari pano”  which translates to “God is Here”. There’s just something about African praise. I love the drums and so songs with a drum beat make me feel like I can hear the heart-beat of God.

How many of  us just need to know that God is in this place? When we worship, He inhabits in our praise. Can you imagine that you invite the presence of the Holy Spirit simply by just worshiping Him with your mouth or instrument of praise?

King James 2000 Bible
But you are holy, O you that inhabit the praises of Israel.

God is Here when we lift our hands, when we give Him praise. Let us go back to the heart of worship. Worship brings about intimacy and connection with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. That’s why I love the song I posted in my previous post called Heart like Heaven by Hillsongs United. The beat in that song just makes me feel like I can hear God’s heart thumping. There is no measure that knows God’s worth in our lives. God is AWESOME! 😀

I don’t know about you, but I cannot do without the presence of God in my life. I draw away from people that suffocate or grieve the Holy Spirit when they’re around me. My spirit is so sensitive that sometimes I cringe at the sound of discord. I’m not talking about someone singing the wrong note (because that can happen), I’m talking about the heart/spirit of the person singing is out of order. If you sing from a place of anger…I cringe. If you sing with arrogance, I cringe. But when someone sings at that place where there’s pure adoration and love in that person’s heart, I rejoice. You can’t pretend worship. It’s either you have a heart that seeks to worship God in Spirit and in Truth, or you’re just a clanging cymbal wanting others to hear you out because you think you’re all that and much more. I just love basking in worship mode. Like I said, I usually get my answers when I’m in that place. God reveals Himself to me in and through Worship. If you want to get closer to God, then seek Him with all your heart. When you seek Him, you will find Him.

So I came out to meet you, Diligently to seek your face, And I have found you.

I love those who love me, And those who seek me diligently will find me.

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

John 4:22-24 (NKJV)

22 You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews. 23 But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. 24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

I pray that this song blesses your spirit today. God bless you everybody! 😀



In the Mood for Worship

Hi People!

I’ve just come back from vacation and feel rejuvenated. 😀 I’m in the mood for worship so for those in Canada Happy Family Day y’all! I didn’t expect to come back to -25 degrees…but I’ll praise God anyway. I praise God I’m African and can still enjoy traveling between two hemispheres to have two summers per year. Don’t hate lol 😀

Here are some songs to bless your spirit today that have been in my spirit all of last night.

The first one comes from Hillsongs United called Heart Like Heaven. This song has been ministering to my spirit and it’s just awesome in surround sound. Let this song minister to your spirit today.


The Next song is from for King & Country called Shoulders. Sometimes you need to know that God carries you through many challenges. You just need to lean on Him as the answer to your need. This song has been blessing my spirit. I pray that this one also blesses yours.

The Last Song I will post here today is from Newsboys singing We Believe. I just love how Michael Tait sings this song. I truly believe that this song will bless somebody today.

I know that I usually just post one song per post, but right now I don’t want to talk I just want to saturate my spirit with Praise and Worship Songs. Through my travels God has just been showing me things and ministering to my spirit as of late. I feel so light in my spirit that I just want to Praise God more. I actually have more songs I could put on here but I think I’ll keep it to three for now.

It’s so important to give time to worship God. Personally, I find my gift in the prophetic is stimulated in the presence of worship. I hear God more clearly during that time and so I fill my spirit with songs that give honor and praise to God. This is how I meditate. I shut out the noise of my life and sit in His Presence. Fill your spirit with worship and you’ll see things clearly in that presence. Don’t allow distractions. I remember being in a church where I just wanted to sit in the presence of worship and then a sister so and so or brother so and so would just distract me because they want my attention…I would feel really upset about it because “seriously, can’t you see I’m in a different place right now????” well…you get that from some “church people”…forgive them anyway… *sigh*.

The point is, in the presence of Worship, God is there. You need answers from God? Then visit Him in the place of Worship. You can worship Him in your living room, in the church or at work. In fact you can worship Him anywhere. God is limitless. You just have to make time for it. Don’t make excuses, make time for God, Amen.

God bless You everybody! 😀


Every Praise is Due Our God

Happy Saturday Everybody!

I just want to post this song by Hezekiah Walker called Every Praise. Praise comes from a heart filled with gratitude, appreciation and love. When parents tell a child “well done you did great” 🙂 , the child feels good inside because they know that they are being acknowledged, appreciated and loved by their parents. In the same way, we need to Praise our God so that He knows that He too is acknowledged, appreciated and loved because He first loved us. When you are filled with gratitude and love for another, you don’t take the other person for granted when you give them praise. Even in marital relationships, I find that women need to know that their husband loves them by simply saying it “I love you”, and men need to know that they are appreciated by their wives by them giving praise for working hard and doing a good job for the things they do for the familial unit.

The less praise we give to each other, the more we take God and people who are with us everyday for granted. The same thing applies to every relationship we have with our colleagues, friends, siblings and our peers. Dissatisfaction in any relationship is based on how we communicate our love, gratitude and acknowledgement of each other as people and the same applies with God.  Some people realize too late what they had until it’s gone. You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.  Don’t take God’s presence in your life for granted. Give Him praise, because in His presence there is liberty, there is joy and there is love, Amen!

Psalm 16:11 [Full Chapter]

You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

I Pray that this Song blesses your spirit today. God Bless You everybody! Love ya 😀


Praise Him in the Pain

Hi Everybody!

I know I already wrote a post for today, but this song is just so uplifting that I had to share it with you all cuz I love all my readers so much 😀 .

It’s from The Afters called Broken Hallelujah. If you feel pain, grief, sorrow or discouragement, that is when you have to praise God anyway. I know that when I lost my Grandmother in 2013, it was hard to stand in choir and sing… I mean, how does one pretend to be happy when your heart is crushed and your whole mind is going crazy because your soul is filled with what seems like unbearable tears and cries that won’t come out? Despite feeling this way, I chose to praise my God anyway. I praised Him in the pain of losing someone who was a mother to me that put up with my crazy probably obnoxious self. That how much my grandmother loved me and now she’s gone with the Lord.

Raise your hands in the pain. I knew that in my brokeness, in my grief, I personally needed God the most so that is why I had to raise my hands. If you are struggling with something, if you are in deep pain, that’s when you’ve got to Praise God even more. I’m not saying it’s easy, but you start to find reasons to give God praise, to thank Him for blessing you with the opportunity to be loved by other people. Some people didn’t have the grandmother that I had, and that’s why I give God praise. She adopted me as her own kid and loved me like as if I was her own child. You are loved by God and when you praise Him, He will give you beauty out of all the ashes. He will embrace you in your pain and give you the oil of joy for your gladness.

To console those who mourn in Zion, To give them beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning, The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; That they may be called trees of righteousness, The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.”

Saturate yourself in God’s love for you today, Amen. I pray that this song encourages you and blesses your spirit today. God bless you everybody. Love you all :D.

Not by Might or Power

Hi Everybody!

There’s this song that’s in my spirit right now called I Can Only Imagine sung by Tamela Mann…her version of the Mercy Me song is amazing! I pray that this song ministers to your spirit today.

I’m in a place where I am just listening to worship songs and learning to hear the Holy Spirit clearly for what is coming next. Worship has this power of clearing the fog that’s in your soul when you can’t seem to see where you’re going. Saturate yourself in worship when you can. For me, I find it to be the only way I can really hear clearly from the Holy Spirit when I have no answers. All of a sudden when I’m wrapped in songs of Praise and Worship and when I sing along I feel the intensity of God’s presence just permeating and purifying the atmosphere around me. Healing and deliverance takes place in the atmosphere of Praise and Worship. Prophetic things happen in the same presence. Worship songs work for me, I don’t know about you but that’s how I can hear clearly in the presence if pure worship. Learn to tune your ears to hear clearly. You can only recognize the Lords voice when you meditate on His Word. Anything that is contrary to His Word is obviously a voice you can ignore. Seek to Hear directly from the Holy Spirit this year so that you become dependent on Him for direction. Learn to be moved by His Spirit and not working in vain for things with your own might and power, AMEN.

So he answered and said to me: “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ Says the Lord of hosts.

Be Blessed everybody! 😀

Worship Sunday – Let the Holy Spirit Flow

Hi Everybody!

I hope you are having a blessed Sunday. My church and I have just finished the 21-Day Daniel Fast and we just have to give God praise. I have a song here that has been in my spirit from Jessica Reedy called “Flow”. It’s such a great song and I know it will bless  your spirit today. Sometimes I find that in different churches we get alot of teaching and preaching but when it comes time to minister, we get so caught up in church formalities that we simply just don’t allow the Holy Spirit to take over the service and watch Him move. This year, let us not quench the working power of the Holy Spirit and repent of the times we were stubborn and not listening to this amazing Helper that the Lord Jesus sent us. Let us work with the Holy Spirit rather than work against Him. Your miracles and answers are from Him anyway, so why quench the voice that seeks to deliver you in the first place. Allow this day for the Holy Spirit to move you, guide you and lead you to where God wants you to go. Obey the Holy Spirit this year, for when you put your trust in the Helper, He will lead you in the right direction.

John 14:26

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.

May this song bless your spirit today, Amen! 🙂