Another message for the Singles – Destiny Destroyers

Hello People!

Joseph and Potifar's wifeOk, I had no intention of bringing this up ever, but today I had lunch with a friend of mine and her story is what has inspired this post.

You know as a single person, you will encounter many battles and temptations to undermine and compromise your integrity. Joseph had that situation happen when Potifar’s wife wanted to sleep with him, but he did the right thing and preserved himself from the open invitation to stray from the path of simply doing the right thing.

And it came to pass after these things that his master’s wife cast longing eyes on Joseph, and she said, “Lie with me.”

1eded7c4682539b61c0c0b554b8a97a3So my friend today tells me that there’s this guy in her past that has been contacting her as of late and they know each other since high school days. They’re good friends, however, the man is married. He went through an arranged marriage and has had 3 kids with his wife. So the thing is this, he supposedly confessed to my friend recently that he has always been “in love” with her and she didn’t really have romantic feelings for him, but would have entertained the idea of marriage had he expressed interest earlier on before the whole arranged marriage fiasco happened. He claims that the reason why he didn’t confess to her earlier was because she didn’t throw any hints of entertaining the idea, but she didn’t know that the man was interested in her that way. This is a moment where I say to men reading this post, if you’re interested in a lady, don’t assume for one second that they can read your mind…go up there and have courage to confess to her, so that you don’t have this crae-crae-ness affect your life later like this guy in my friends story.  You won’t know if you have a chance if you don’t try. Why live in regret thinking I coulda shoulda woulda, but inevitably like this guy, didn’t?????

Anywho, let me continue on with the story, so mind you they were young when they were friends and she was battling self-esteem issues like we all do when we’re in our teens and in our twenties. Anyways, long story short…he’s been constantly wanting to meet up with her without his wife knowing, and she being a woman with strong moral standards, doesn’t want to be a quote-in-quote “Homewrecker”. He even wrote two poems to her today which she shared with me to read to see what they meant because she isn’t really strong in understanding the symbolism in poems, literature and meanings etc etc. Thank God for English class because when I read these two poems, I could tell you where this man’s head was at. There were warning signs everywhere with what he wrote. I won’t paste the poems here for the sake of anonymity, but what I will say is that his subtle messages to the undiscerning individual will seem like lovely emotional imagery type poems, but in the poems were laced with venom that entertained leaving his wife, a threat of committing suicide and feeling trapped in dark emotions aimed at making my friend feel guilt. 😦 The man is obsessing over the fact that he could have married her had he had the guts back then to confess. Men…life is short, if you like a gal, confess now….if it doesn’t work out it doesn’t work out…but don’t be like this guy okay? Ladies, don’t entertain ungodly behaviours that can cause your brother to stumble. Don’t give into the temptation whatsoever because this type of thing right here is a DESTINY DESTROYER. Not just your destiny will be affected, but his as well, if you entertain the thought of adultery. Think David and Uriah’s wife, Bethsheba in the Bible (2 Samuel 11 ). David committed adultery, and his life there after was not peaceful from then on… there is a heavy price to pay for such a sin and life changing mistake.

Hearing her story freaked me out because I was reminded of a time I liked a similar person. This person that I liked was “in the church” and I secretly liked this person for 7 years (Yeah, I know…why did I do that to myself?). The person appeared to (from my perspective) or seemed to like me back and sent out strong signals that he was attracted to me, but he never took action. Me being young and naive thought…that was just him being shy…but when I got the courage to confess (because I couldn’t stand waiting anymore), I was stopped by a few friends of his that were in the church as well who kind of indicated to me not to say anything. Long story short, I found out soon after that he was married and he had no intention of revealing that in the first place to me whatsoever until he had peer pressure from his friends forcing him to be accountable and come out with the truth. I thank God everyday for his God-fearing friends.

The moment he told me the truth I was devastated and immediately, all the feelings I had for him were completely gone. I was distraught beyond belief and felt like I had just wasted 7 years to end up with nothing, NOTHING 😦 . I was angry and completely emotional about the whole thing. The strange thing was, after confessing the truth that he was married, he all of a sudden started to show strong affections towards me that he never displayed before once he found out that I “liked” him, and started to pursue me in the church. Just like my friend’s situation, he was regretting not acting on his feelings or so it appeared. At this point, I didn’t have time for that so You know what I did? I RAN AWAY. That’s right I RAN AWAY and didn’t look back. He started to stalk me and that totally freaked me out, but thank God, his friends and family kept him at bay. I had to pray and fast to God to have this person removed from my life, and one day he simply just left the church. I sincerely pray and thank God for that because he seemed like he was not going to back down until he had what he wanted. It was like dealing with Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The man had two personalities going on there that shocked me. I shudder when I recall the whole thing.temptation

I must say this, even if you pray for the person to be removed from your life, you might have to take drastic measures and simply remove yourself from the situation just to preserve your integrity. I’m not joking about this. You have to do whatever it takes in order to preserve yourself. Yes, it will hurt like hell, but trust me, you will see down the road that you did the right thing. I admit that initially when he started to show strong affections towards me, I did entertain the idea that maybe he married the wrong person” etc etc, yes, those thoughts did come across my mind,but who was I kidding but myself. I have no time to be in self-denial. He showed a dark obsessive side that I failed to see before and when God simply opened my spiritual eyes to see into the person, I saw something that freaked me out and I will never forget it for the rest of my life that it made me realize the devil will use anyone and anything to kill your destiny.

God loves us so much that He will show us the truth to preserve our lives, but we have to be willingly open to what God shows us in order to embrace the reality of the situation no matter how disappointed you may feel. I knew that God loved me enough to show me the truth of this person’s heart that he saved me from a life-time and possibly life-changing mistake. Think SAMSON….he entertained danger and made a life-changing, lifetime mistake when he allowed a DELILAH in his life.Overcoming_Temptation_Product_Image_1024x1024

Men, I urge you, do not allow crae-crae (crazy) women into your life. They can mess you up big time and give you a lifetime of pain. Ladies, don’t allow a man who promises and tells you sweet “nothings” to cause you to compromise your beliefs and where you stand in God. He is not worth it. 

Albeit, I was devastated, I imploded on the inside and the funny thing was, God had shown me in some dreams that I had recorded that he was not what he appeared to be despite being in the “church”, but I was ignoring the interpretation because I wanted to “see the best in him”. Listen, love isn’t blind to the truth, we choose to be blinded by our emotions. We deceive our own hearts into accepting lies rather than seeing the truth for what it is. That whole experience inspired my “So You Lied to Me – Trust is Earned My Friend” post which is one of my very first posts for this blog that has always received huge hits because I’m sure many people have gone through this craziness.


I cannot emphasize this enough. As a single person in my thirties, I have come to know based on experience, that life is already short, why make it shorter by entertaining nonsense in our lives. The Devil’s agenda doesn’t change…he want’s to kill, steal and destroy you and the blessings God has for you in your life.

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

Yes, you will be tempted, you will be deceived, you will be tricked, you will be put into situations that will test your integrity, but hold fast to the WORD OF GOD. That is the only thing that can save you. I know what it’s like to be heartbroken. I was heartbroken about the situation to the point I was grieved because I couldn’t believe that a person I liked, and supposedly a “Christian” person at that would not care about entertaining the idea of an “affair”. I’m not that girl, I’m not that woman that wants leftovers. I was so distraught that such a person didn’t realize how much I take my relationship with God seriously. It took me two years to get over it…I mean I loved the guy for 7 and I was in a state where I was repenting everyday and seeking God’s face to show me where I went wrong, how could I be deceived etc etc, and during that time I separated myself from a lot of people and contemplated suicide. I was withdrawn and needed to find myself again.

God is amazing in that He healed many parts of my broken heart that started me blogging in the first place. It took 2 years…but honestly, I’m glad I went through that experience. I was bitter and didn’t trust anybody, but honestly, God was showing me not to close myself off just because of this. I want to remain in right-standing and had to be like a modern-day Joseph and preserve mine integrity. I won’t lie, it does feel lonely at times doing the right thing when everybody else is just jumping to what’s good, but this is all about fighting for your DESTINY.  Hence, this is why I’m sharing this story now. Honestly, I would much prefer taking this story to my grave, but I feel led to share it here so that I pray that this story helps someone to see that there are things out there that are geared to destroy your destiny. Only you have the power to protect it with the decisions that you make. I’m not saying that it’ll be easy, in fact, it will be excruciatingly hard, but you can do it. God wants you to have an abundant life, don’t allow room to sin in areas that you know you cannot undo. Don’t entertain illicit affairs or relationships that are ungodly and unequal yokes. Don’t marry into a lifetime of unhappiness and pain. Wait on the Lord, and He will bless you in the fullness of time. I trust God with my future, so I implore you to put your future in God’s hands. Don’t allow the enemy to trap you and halt your destiny by entertaining danger. You know that saying that goes, “If you play with fire, you will get burned”. I know what it feels like to play with fire…but thank God I ran away from it so that I wouldn’t end up burned. Don’t play with fire is my message. 

The Devil will attack you with feelings of “loneliness” to move you to do crazy things. It is so important to anchor yourself with the right people that share the same biblical-standards that you do, or are stronger than you in many areas that you are weak in. Isolation is not good for you because we are all created to be relational beings to begin with, so fellowship with strong Christians. Find mentorship with people that can guide you in the right direction. If you’re in my thirties like myself and thinking “Yo, my biological clock is tickin’ and nothing’s going on. I’m going to take matters into my own hands and do this thing my way”, let me stop you right there and tell you, if you ain’t praying to God about your spouse right now, I guarantee that you’ll attract trouble and trouble will find you. I may not be married right now and many of you might think I’m not qualified to say the things I’m saying, but it doesn’t matter. God’s Word stands firm forever. If you want to do things your way without consulting God on the matter, then be my guest, because I already have friends that compromised and fell into temptation and their lives are in chaos with what the devil brought in their direction. Understand this one thing, the Devil maximizes on the emotion we call “Loneliness” to trap you and get you to compromise. Don’t allow that feeling to trump reason, don’t allow that feeling to override what it means to do the “right thing”. Go to God when you feel empty, because it is only through the power of the Holy Spirit that He fills you. No person in this lifetime can fill or satisfy the void that is in your life and in your heart.

This message is for the single for both men and women, young or old.  There are things out there in life that are laid there as a trap to cause you to falter on your journey. These are what I call DESTINY DESTROYERS. Please, please, please, go to God if your are dealing with something like this. Find someone who will pray with you and assist you to stay on the right path. Avoid a life time of pain, Amen! This was indeed a difficult post for me to write because of my personal story, but I feel that someone needs to hear this and change their course to get back on track. I hope it helps somebody.

Here is a song from Hillsongs United called I Surrender. Surrender your life to God right now. If you’ve made some of these mistakes, go back to God and seek His face to help you get back on track. God Loves you and will help you get up again no matter how many times you’ve fallen. He cares about you and will do all that it takes to Protect your Destiny, Amen. I pray that this Song blesses your spirit today. God bless you everybody 😀



Learn to Stay in Your Lane

Hello People!

Happy Sunday! I’m still trying to get over the jetlag believe it or not. Lord help me now! lol. 😀

01454baeb76a64bf08ca3070349734c8Today’s post comes from experience. How many times have you driven (if you drive that is) and had someone cut you off and either:

1) slow down the moment they did that, or

2) they drive in such a way that they make it almost nearly impossible for you to overtake them? 😦

If you are a driver, holla! As a fellow driver, I know how annoying that can be. Some people even do things to get you into road rage, but the thing is, you’ve got to remain calm. Well that’s what any good driving instructor would ever tell you. Honestly, I should speak for myself because sometimes, I’m like “get off the road!” if I see careless driving skills going on. Father, Help ME NOW! lol 😀


tumblr_md8u5oz12c1qhmhdfo1_500Listen, sometimes people will do that to you in life. There will be people competing with you unnecessarily in your life trying to overtake you to show you how supposedly “better” they are than you at something. Some people may even antagonize you to speed with them and race them, but you shouldn’t fall for that nonsense. Just keep it real cool and stay in your lane! You don’t need to be tricked into getting into an accident with them. The mistakes I see people make is that when people are competing with others for attention or promotion that’s headed your way, they do things to try and make you mess up to make you miss your blessing which is your destination.

Don’t allow a fool on the road of your life to mess up the direction you are heading by being distracted by their shenanigans. There will be people trying to prove that they are better than you at something, but your job is to remain focused on the road you have to take. If they overtake you, let them…continue at a safe distance behind and remember, that just because they’re in front of you doesn’t mean they know where you’re going. When they aren’t paying too much attention, you’ll overtake them, just give it time because the road you are traveling on is one less traveled.

I believe that God is taking certain people to roads less traveled. Having said that though, you will have bad drivers in your life trying to follow you, overtake you, aggravate you as you pursue your destiny/destination. You have to stay on your lane to get to where you need to be. Those that compete with you are direction-less and mindless people that don’t know how to “stay in their lane”. When you allow God to be your GPS (Godly Positioning System), He will take you to places that will help you avoid all these obstacles. You need Emotional Strength to be a great driver. Don’t always react to every crazy driver that tries to pull stunts while you remain on the right path. God has given you a path to take, so continue in it.

d476a3477856cef4477ac1ac6518e2a9I remember being in a car accident a few years ago. I was hit by a bus and a huge SUV in the winter time at that. It’s a wonder why I’m still alive and all in one piece. Obviously, I give God the credit for it 😀 . But what I want to say is that, there may even be people in your life who will try to abort your destiny by trying to crash into you. That is when you need the Holy Spirit’s help to preserve your destiny. You need discernment and wisdom to continue your journey. That accident I went through like 5 years ago was insane. I had to go through soo much therapy to get back in shape again. I still suffer some back issues because of it, but I don’t allow the past to stop me from jumping back into my car and continue the course.

You see, sometimes, people will crash into you hoping that you won’t recover and continue your journey. In some cases, they hope that you die from the accident, which I think was the case for me, but praise God, I’m still here. Let me tell you, that with God on your side, nothing by any means can stop you from achieving what you need to achieve. Yes, like me who was in that accident, you might be delayed on the journey, but God will heal you and it will be up to you at that point to not be paralyzed by the fear of the accident to keep you continuing the journey.

2 Timothy 1:7

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

tumblr_meepy1JYLU1qhmhdfo1_500Some people encounter stuff like that in their lives and never drive again, but I’m a person that has too much destiny to stay put…I’ll continue moving forward and so should you. Don’t let the past hold you back from pursuing the future. Don’t let anybody’s mistake hold you back either. Just because people don’t like where you’re headed doesn’t mean that they have the capacity nor the power to hold you back from your destination. Don’t give people too much power over your destiny. Give your destiny into God’s Hands, and He will preserve you throughout the entire journey. Ask the Lord to give you the Spirit of wisdom and understanding to take you safely to your destination. You have to put your trust in God.

The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, The Spirit of counsel and might, The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.

Sometimes, you’ll encounter busy-bodies who are all up in your business wanting to know “where are you going?”. Remember my previous post about Wisdom in the Season where I talked about being DISCREET? Those are the times where you need to keep your mouth shut because such people are the same types of people that try to overtake you, ram into you and do crazy things while you are on your journey to your destination. You haven’t got the time for that.

15-1Yes, people will be jealous of you and will want to travel along side you to see if they can obtain the promise that God has for you when you get to your destination, but let me tell you, they have no right to what’s yours if they’ve never worked their faith as hard as you have to obtain it. No one has the right to steal or overtake you thinking they can simply beat you to what God has planned for you. These people are “haters” and God will cause such people to take detours out of your life simply because you are putting your trust in God. I like the saying I heard one Nigerian say which is what I’ll say to you here in this post, and that is to all your haters, they can “sit-down, one-side, to the back” of your life since God will direct your path to a place where you will prosper and be in good health as your soul prospers. Because Jesus is the GPS in your life, He will take you to the roads that will rid you of all the crazy drivers out there that want to give you hell on the road while you are on your journey. Just keep trusting God, Amen!

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.

In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

There is a song that is in my spirit right now by Hillsong Worship called Open Heaven (River Wild). You need to surrender to the Holy Spirit in order for God to direct your path, Amen!

I pray that this song blesses your spirit today. 😀

Obedience Leads to Promise and fulfillment of DESTINY

Hello Everybody!

So today I was just doing a meditation in the book of Hebrews and read something that jumped at me.

It’s in Hebrews 3: 16-19

Failure of the Wilderness Wanderers

16 For who, having heard, rebelled? Indeed, was it not all who came out of Egypt, led by Moses? 17 Now with whom was He angry forty years? Was it not with those who sinned, whose corpses fell in the wilderness? 18 And to whom did He swear that they would not enter His rest, but to those who did not obey? 19 So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief.

Have you ever questioned why some people haven’t been receiving the full promises of God in their lives? Sometimes as we wait we can do one of two things during the waiting period for our promises.

1.) We can wait in Faith.  Believing is Seeing.


2.) We can wait in Unbelief. Seeing is not Believing.

In the passage above God tells us why the majority of the Children of Israel were unable to enter into the Promised Land.  The promised land is a place of destiny. If you are wondering why some people cannot reach their full potential, it’s because they have certain *character traits* that hinder them from reaching their places of DESTINY. In the passage above we discover that there were particular traits that prohibited the Children of Israel from entering their promised land.

1. They were rebellious (v. 16);

2. They had sinned (v. 17);

3. They were disobedient (v. 18); and

4. They were unbelievers of GOD’s WORD. (v. 19)

The Character traits listed above are what will prevent us from reaching our places of destiny if we choose to be Rebellious, Sinful, disobedient and unbelieving in the Word of God.

Folks, we cannot afford to be like that with the things that God wants to give us in our lifetime. We must seriously learn to walk by Faith and NOT by Sight because Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not yet seen (Hebrews 11:1).  So today I challenge you, analyze yourself and REPENT of any areas that exhibit the four traits listed here that are hindering you from receiving the promises of God in your life. Prosperity is your portion, but if you don’t even believe that…then you have to repent for Trait number 4 (UNBELIEF).

How you reach your destiny is determined by how you exercise your FAITH.

Destiny is always tied to FAITH.

The only thing that aborts Destiny is UNBELIEF.

This is just a short meditation today so I hope this blesses you. God bless you everybody and keep believing until you see God in your situations. God has your Jeremiah 29:11 promises for you so hold on to that truth and remain steadfast and Believe in that TRUTH.

So now that we know the Truth lets us rejoice in it. I have a song by Hezekiah Walker and LFC called Let’s Dance. Be Blessed EVERYBODY!

Scriptures to Meditate

2 Corinthians 5:7
For we walk by faith, not by sight.

2 Chronicles 20:20
So they rose early in the morning and went out into the Wilderness of Tekoa; and as they went out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, “Hear me, O Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem: Believe in the LORD your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper.”

Mark 1:15
and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”

John 1:12
But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name:

John 11:40
Jesus said to her, “Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?”

John 20:31
but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.

Romans 4:17
(as it is written, “I have made you a father of many nations” ) in the presence of Him whom he believed—God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did;

Hebrews 11:6
But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

James 2:23
And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.” And he was called the friend of God.

1 John 5:13
These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God. Registered & Protected