Her Illness; His Nightmare – Gospel for Asia


After three kids, 22 years of marriage and a fortune spent on his wife’s health, Hafiz didn’t know what else he could do for her. In a land where women often face brutal mistreatment, Hafiz was a fervently attentive husband, but Laboni was incapable of caring. She didn’t know why, but she was ready to leave—again.

By now, Hafiz knew the drill, but that didn’t make him resent it any less. As hard as he tried to keep Laboni from wandering out on her own, her mental illness would always make her resist. Their once happy marriage had turned into a nightmare, and Hafiz was desperate to wake up.

Read More of her story here: Her Illness; His Nightmare – Gospel for Asia.

Counting the Cost of Discipleship – Evangelism in Today’s World

Happy TGIF Everybody!

Today, I was really contemplating for the past few days about the price of Discipleship. I personally realize within myself that as Christians, we have to learn to be more transparent about how we feel about the Lord. Transparency is an issue that not many people want to deal with because we know that it is not easy when we face criticism and pointing of fingers and also the threat of being persecuted for what you believe is a deterrent for others wanting to be transparent. However, with what I’ve been praying for, the Holy Spirit has being harping a lot to me about the need for Christians to be Transparent. 

I asked myself how transparent am I?

Am I a “transparent Christian” or am I “Opaque”?

I find that with the things I’ve been able to share here, such as my personal stories about abuse and spiritual attacks I’ve encountered in my life in relation to witchcraft and the testimony of how I got saved, I can say that it took me a while to come out with these stories. It isn’t always so easy to testify. For me, the problem isn’t the story…I always feel the need to assess the timing and the type of audience that I can share my stories with. Some stories are a little far-fetched to some who are immature or are just babes in Christ and will take what I say the wrong way…and some stories are heavy and traumatic that it may take time for me to share with others, but with having blogged over time revealing a little bit more about myself here and there as I go along, I find that it is getting easier and easier with time.

I think that building upon transparency takes time as one conquers levels of fear each step at a time as one builds their faith is what I think the main issue is. I still struggle with areas of fear, but I have no problem admitting it. God has been helping me overcome with time and is building a boldness in me to speak the truth and tell it like it is on here and with people I encounter in my daily lives, so don’t be discouraged if you feel shy or are still uncomfortable about sharing your stories of faith with others. The whole point is to pursue building on that transparency in some way and if you don’t know how, seek help from more seasoned Christians and also do not forget to seek God to help you build courage and you will become bold when you take steps of faith.

Other questions that I have been contemplating about for the past week are:

Why are some Christians “closet Christians” while some others are seemingly more outspoken about their faith than others?

I can think of a few factors as to why this is so, but I think it boils down to two main things, it’s either Fear or Unbelief.

There are some Christians who are introverted and don’t know how to effectively communicate their faith because of Fear … or because they are simply shy and that is their personality type, Others who are extrovert seemingly have no problem and go all out which is awesome. This doesn’t mean that introverted persons have no means of sharing their faith, there are just so many ways we can do that if you really think about it, no need to over-complicate it just use what you already know how to do and maximize on using your gifts to do the job. I write pretty well, and I’m a pretty good story teller…I use this gifting in conversations and in my writing. That’s what I know how to do best and that is what I maximize on. Don’t put God in a box, use what you’ve got to give Him glory.

We also get those who claim they are “Christians” in name only, but seriously operate like they don’t believe in what they purport to believe. Their demonstration doesn’t match the character which can be confusing to the outsider looking in because to many that’s just a form a hypocrisy. We cannot be all about the information without the demonstration to back what we hopefully live. Evangelism is effective when we are honest and don’t come out as fakesters. It is important to be real at all times…people are moved by what is sincere rather than sugar-coated. It’s okay to discuss your weaknesses with non-believers because it just shows them that you are not superhuman just because you are Christian. We are fragile beings that need our Savior. That’s how we become like salt to the earth, we add flavor by preserving and maintaining that which is true, Amen!

I know that I struggle with fear, but that’s when we need encouragement from others to help us develop courage and boldness to do things that we normally wouldn’t do. You learn new things that way when you step outside your comfort zone. Let me tell you it isn’t always pleasant to step out of your comfort zone, but the rewards of what you learn in doing so far outweigh the discomfort. There  are many instances that I’m bold in certain situations and then on the odd occasion I just freeze up because of Fear. It happens and it is still an issue I’m dealing with, *surprise surprise*, so fear not, you are not alone in this arena lol :D.

For those operating in a state of “I’m a Christian in name only but don’t really practice the faith” , you are living a compromised lifestyle that will lead you down the road further into the realm of developing a seared conscience. Don’t kid yourself. You have got to ask yourself why is it you lack faith period? Why continue to say you are Christian when you don’t believe in it anyway? As disciples of Christ, we have to consider that Faith is a demonstration of what you live and believe rather than what you say you believe without the actions to back it. It is an ongoing journey and no one is perfect…however, testimonies are derived by imperfections and prove that we need GOD, Amen!

I believe that there are many forms of evangelism that cater to different character and personality types. There was an article I read concerning introvert evangelism by RELEVANT magazine. Here is the link to the article:


I believe that we shouldn’t put people in a box and neither should we put God in a box either. We are all created differently with various giftings. We all evangelize differently and for some they thrive in the writing department which is something I’m good at, some thrive in volunteerism, singing, dancing, some are very good at just being listeners, readers, teachers, etc etc. The point is, there are various methods to evangelize your faith which cater to any personality type which include the introverted Christian. Some know how to be very outspoken than others, while others are more shy. I’m shy in some instances and then there are times when I’m just bold and daring. I think some people trap themselves in a situation of guilt when they believe that there is only one method of evangelism that is effective and that’s by outreach street evangelism. Like I said before in my other post, this method did not appeal to me at all when I started out, but it is effective in its own way; however, I think of it as just one form of evangelism, but there are so many avenues in today’s world to reach the lost.

Use the gift you know how to use is my advice. People thrive at what they are good at and I believe you’ll be successful in your approach when you realize that whatever you do well at is the area you can use to evangelize the message of hope.

Instead of tracts you can use different items that people will like…such as pens, bookmarks bracelets, pins, free t-shirts, business cards, iPhone covers, just as an example. Youth like cool stuff and people love freebies, I don’t know of anyone who doesn’t…sometimes it’s just as simple as buying someone coffee and talking about your faith. I have found these methods to be more effective in my walk.  There are so many ways to reach someone…you don’t always have to use the archaic methods to do it, although I’m not suggesting that people stop street evangelism or anything. I’m just saying that if you find these traditional methods aren’t your type of thing…then use modern methods to grab peoples attention. It’s just that simple really, no need to be complicated.

My personality type is good at writing about what I believe, hence the blog. I also like volunteering my time to different social events.  I’m also good at talking to people and listening to their problems, although I at some points prefer to have my own peace since sometimes people off load too much information that it becomes difficult to process, but then again, God wants us to stretch outside of our comfort zone, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you stop being you, Amen!

I have here a video concerning the cost of discipleship. At the end of the day, there will come a point where we will have to take a stand on what we believe. No matter how uncomfortable it makes us, God wants to use those who are willing to overcome their Fears in order to stand on what they believe as Truth. Unbelief is something we must fight against and fear is not of God so we must pursue to operate with a spirit of courage and God will show you how you can effectively evangelize using the gifts you already have within the palm of your hand.

Don’t stress out if one form of evangelism isn’t for you…use what you know how to use and use that well. My last question that I will leave here for all of us to think about before watching this video is:

How far are you willing to go to be God’s Disciple?

God bless you everybody and have an amazing weekend!

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Not Happenin' On My Watch | Blog

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23).”  Let’s face it… we’ve done a lot more than simply “missed the mark!”  We’ve blown it big time.  In fact, we weren’t even aiming for “the mark.”  We had no interest in it, electing instead to go in the opposite direction.  We chose to do our own thing.  We made a conscious decision to rebel against God.  We tossed our darts elsewhere…  at an entirely different board.  We never intended to line up with His Word but were proud to say, “I did it my way.”  We turned our hearts and minds away and turned our backs toward God.  He wanted to gather us like a mother hen gathers her chicks but we wouldn’t have it (Luke 13:34).  For most of us, it wasn’t until we experienced a serious ‘crash & burn’ that we decided to take a look at what God…

View original post 97 more words

Casting the Net – Modern Day Evangelism

Hi Everbody!

Happy Monday!

I had a phenomenal weekend as I had attended a Revive Canada conference with Evangelist Shyju Mathew and let me tell you, there was soo much downpoured into my spirit about revival that although I’ve been praying for it to come here in Canada, I’m more than convinced that it is already in operation. I believe that God is setting the stage as we speak to break forth into the type of Revival that will become the largest in our lifetime and if you come from another nation…I just want you to know that this Revival I’m talking about isn’t just for Canada…it’s going to be global. That is what I’m believing for and I can already see it happening. I would like to say more, but I must remain silent and let the Lord do His work. There is soo much more in store that I’m currently excited and at the same time fearful for those not prepared for what will take place.

Setting that aside I went to church yesterday and my Pastor was talking about Evangelism in her sermon and how there is a gap in the church for this area. I cannot agree more with her on that one. In fact, the night after the Revive Canada conference the Holy Spirit had told me the same exact thing. Talk about confirmation. Evangelism in North America seems to have dwindled as of late because people are being swayed between wavering opinions with the enemies agenda to promote COMPROMISE. 

How long must the Church compromise and waver between two opinions?

1 Kings 18:21
And Elijah came to all the people, and said, “How long will you falter between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him.” But the people answered him not a word.

I remember as I listened to my Pastor preach as she mentioned how Jesus told his disciples in

Matthew 4:19
Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

The Holy Spirit spoke to me during the service and said…”Evangelism is just like Casting a net, however, not many people like what they catch”, I thought…WHOA…ain’t that the truth!

via sfodan.wordpress.com/

We know that God can make us fishers of men and yet we don’t always seem to like what we catch in terms of  looking at what’s caught in your net. Sometimes we expect to capture the most impressive and responsive individual to the Word which I liken to favourable big fish…but it’s the small fry fish that we typically get caught in our nets most of the time that seem to always be the first ones cast away when it comes to evangelism. Why is that the case?

I see these type of cast-away fish as those that are easily overlooked, easily ostracized, easily misjudged by prejudicial eyes which tend to be the ones that look irregular to the big fish that we as Christians seem to aim for. Some of these fish maybe deformed, or be of a different colour, creed, family, social economic status, some may even look like EMOs, Punk Rockers, Satanists, Witches, Occult users, homosexuals, prostitutes, adulterers, those that have mental disorders and some maybe of various religions including the atheists. These types of fish from what I’ve seen, seem very unappealing to us in regards to spreading the gospel of Truth…but these are the same people that God wants us to capture the most. They may seem unresponsive at first, but these are the ones that God will use for REVIVAL. This is what I’m sensing strongly in my spirit right now.

The Holy Spirit also posed an uncomfortable question to me which I will share with you. He asked me, “How far are you willing to cast your net?”.  Has the Holy Spirit ever asked you that kind of question?

He revealed to me that although I’ve captured some through my blog, He seems to be implying to me that I can do better than this. I was incredibly Challenged that I didn’t answer His question right away….because obviously, I was assessing the price.

via flickriver.com

 Dear Lord….I am feeling the fear of God rise each time I’m challenged by God’s mandate. It was a fearful question that I found I was not so readily available to answer right away, surprise surprise *gulp*. I’m sensing that I’ve got to prepare myself to be pushed in the uncomfortable zone to see this manifest through. My whole mind feels like it’s just trembling thinking about it. I won’t claim to be welcoming this mandate with open arms…because sometimes…it’s about pushing the bar and walking right into destiny. I thought about it and struggled with the answer…in fact I found myself wrestling with myself with the answer; however, I’d like to be brave and claim by faith here on this blog with much fear and trembling *gulp*, “As far as you want me to, Lord.”

As soon as I answered the Holy Spirit’s question…I began to see visions….and I’m just not looking forward to the rest to tell you the truth and yet with the encouragement of a friend, she tells me that “I am groomed for spiritual warfare”. *sigh*….I certainly hope so *gulp*.

Has anybody ever felt Challenged by the Lord like this???? What did you do? How did  you answer?

I am one that doesn’t answer too rashly or too quickly when the Holy Spirit asks me a question….I have a tendency to assess the risks first and I always seem to look before I leap in faith lol. I guess it’s time to just Leap :).

prejudiced people

The Holy Spirit began to tell me and show me of what I’ve been able to accomplish with just my blog. Of course I do more than just blog about my faith…but this is just an example.

Some people may not know this, but ever since I’ve started to blog about my faith a year ago, I’d get private emails from readers who have told me that their faith has been revitalized, that they feel like after reading some of my posts they feel a lot stronger in their walk, some have even sought information about spiritual warfare, some have seen answers to their problems and others are just hungry to hear more on certain topics that I’ve posted which has given me an indication that social media is one powerful evangelistic tool. Of course you get the occasional hate mail…but that sort of goes without saying when you speak the truth.

One person I remember contacting me who wishes to remain anonymous works for the UN and has seen amazing breakthroughs in their workplace with the spiritual warfare posts I had posted, with one of them in particularly dealing with Hamans in the workplace and other such material. Some people contact me for material that they can read and where they can buy it, etc etc. And many people from my blog come from across the globe. In fact, more the 52, 000 people have viewed this blog according to my flag stats and these people come from 171 different countries! I mean…I haven’t even blogged for that long and even though the blog was open nearly 2 years ago, I finally got active last year in October and it’s only been a year since I’ve been writing regularly and yet so many people’s lives have changed in such a short period of time via Wpress.

If God can attract more than 52,000 people to one blog in one year…What say you in ten years? What say you with thousands of other Christians blogging????

A social media revival is indeed possible, People!

What I am trying to imply here is that we cannot underestimate the power of social media to bring about Revival. I think we have to look outside the box. Television will always be an effective form of evangelism, but there are other effective tools out there to bring people to one place with the gospel message and that is definitely social media. Social media is even more effective than magazines these days and with the use of the internet, anything is possible.

What I’m trying to say here is that we don’t have to over complicate Evangelism. We can cast our nets further than we’ve ever imagined before through social media since it is one place that seems to have mobilized the whole world to be gathered in one place through cyberspace.

You just don’t know who God will use to make a difference.

I remember back in the day (10 years ago) when my sister and I went out with a couple of friends of my mother from the UK to hand out tracts in the street in a popularly known dangerous neighborhood and it was an exercise that I kind of cringed at because honestly…I have never been moved by that form of evangelism personally in regards to myself and I had never done street evangelism before either. “Who says that street evangelism is fun?” is probably the most passionate about it…but I knew even in my Christian self…it did not appeal to me one single bit no matter how much I loved the Lord. I’m just being honest here folks. The idea of talking to strangers was one thing…but in a risky area…that did not appeal to me at all… Yes, I have to admit..it was not my cuppa tea, but I learned a few things during this exercise.

When I was with these two ladies from the UK who were obviously pros at this street evangelism thing,  it was interesting to walk through and try it out and give this thing a whirl. We did get a few jokers out there who just accepted the tracts hoping to get a phone number at the end which kind of got on my nerves, but eventually my sister and I got the opportunity to evangelize to a Satanist. Yep, in all that hallabaloo, we encountered those that took the tracts without much conversation, some listened with an open ear and thanked us and some were mere jokers until we landed on a Satanist. A fish we did not expect to encounter in this exercise.

My sister and I did not expect that we’d actually encounter one at all since it seemed that the obvious target in the area we were in were “youth at risk”. Yes, there were a few brothas that just took the tract wanting my phone number…which also is another reason I was not interested in street evangelism, however, when we spoke to the satanist, I thought, “Wow! Now here is a real fish that I’d like to get saved!” Mind you I was an immature babe in Christ when this event happened so this is just a recollection of what happened.

The person thought that by confessing he was a satanist that we’d back off in prejudice and fear because he kind of smirked when he told us he was a Satanist…Much to his surprise, I was actually excited and forthcoming…because I was thinking “Here we go…finally someone worth it!” because I felt up for the challenge. Yes, a few people where just playas…not really serious about listening to the gospel of truth… only interested in a date which greatly discouraged me from continuing this type of evangelism after 2 hours of it on the first day…(I shake my head at these). The Satanist was surprised that we were not afraid of him and was completely in awe of how calm and welcoming we were…in fact he must have thought I was crazy between my sister and I, because I was really excited to tell him about Jesus. At first he wasn’t very forthcoming in taking the tract we had to offer, but when we talked to him about the love of our Lord Jesus, and noticed how passionate we were about talking about Jesus without judging him on his appearance or status quo, he became responsive. He even thanked us for sharing the message with him. The whole day seemed worth it to me after we talked to one of the easily ostracized fish in our day. I believe there is a party in heaven for each one that receives the gospel of truth and this was the method of evangelism I was doing when I was a babe in Christ 10 years ago.

I look back at this and think of it as a very fond memory that is bringing me back to where I am now in my walk. I question myself, Am I still as passionate as I was before? I know in my heart I’m passionate about the gospel of truth, hence the blog, but I must confess that I think what I am battling right now is Fear brought upon by over-thinking the whole persecution complex. I went through a round of it when I was a youth leader in my church that I realize what I experienced has affected me more than I realized…but God is saying, “Get over it, it’s not going to be the last time either”. UGHHHHHHHHH! well…can’t argue with the Almighty now can I?

Well, in the end I have to get over myself if the target is for the cast-away fish. I think that the message today is that as Christians, we love aiming for responsive fish to the gospel and get easily satisfied by those that willingly come to the Lord with less effort when the true Catch that God is aiming for is for the easily cast-away fish. These fish are actually easy to catch but we cast them away so easily because of prejudice.

I think that we have to re-think Evangelism and analyze who we catch when we Cast our nets and also consider that we maybe guilty in some areas of casting away fish that so truly need to hear the Word by so easily giving up on them after experiencing their initial rejection of the Truth. I’m not saying become aggressive and stalk people with the gospel, all I’m just saying is that our approach should be one that is loving and kind, appealing to those that are easily overlooked that tend to be the ones who feel ostracized by Christians who approach them with prejudice rather than with compassion. We cannot afford to speak about the gospel of truth with prejudicial hearts and condemning spirits. That will not appeal to them at all. Empathy and Honesty wrapped with Compassion will work better to reach the lost rather than being perceived as a bible-thumping Christian, Amen.

What do y’all think? Do you agree or disagree? I’d like to know your opinions.

Have a blessed day everybody!

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Worship Sunday: You are Loved (Don’t give up!)

Hi Everybody!

I have this amazing song by Josh Groban that is my favourite. I believe the way he sings it feels like the Heart of Jesus for all God’s Children. When you think that you aren’t loved, you are. Jesus wants you to know that you are His beloved. He died and conquered death for you so that you may live forever with him together for all eternity. Sometimes it feels like we have the weight of the world on us, but allow Jesus to carry some of your burdens as you seek His face today and bask in His love for you today. May this song called You are loved (Don’t give up!) minister to you today. God Bless you everybody! 😀

I loved this piece I put together today and felt like sharing on this blog too. 😀

Ramblings of a Creative Mind

I am amazed at how a songstress weaves a tune that gathers such great momentum to capture the gaze of an entire audience that yearns to be entangled in the web of her song.

I am amazed at the hue of a summers dawn that creeps ever so slowly over the precipice of the horizon as it ambushes the shadows of the night with its over-glorious glow.

I am amazed at the heat trapped under the rainforests floor that engulfs the atmosphere in every corner and yet maintains the richness of its color to every creatures home.

I am amazed that when we think we see dimly in the hidden crevices of our minds, it is only through our hearts that is seems we can see things as a whole.

I am amazed that imagination seems to diminish with time as we learn more about reality when it is ‘reality’ that is…

View original post 401 more words

How Far is too Far?

Hi Everybody,

It’s nearly the weekend!!! Praise God!! 😀

Today is rather a short contemplation…hmmmm…maybe more of a question. I was thinking about how people do certain things that trail along the lines of compromise.

How Far is too Far?

I think that some people first ask themselves…. “How far can I go?” , before asking the first question I posed which is “How Far is too Far?”. I think to a large extent, we don’t seem to know how subtle compromise is in changing our minds about common moral standards  which are GODLY STANDARDS  that should be upheld in our conduct through our words, thoughts, actions and deeds.  When we fail to uphold Godly standards by compromising with the truth, we open doors to start believing in a lie(s).

Think about it…it’s like starting off by telling a “small ‘white’ lie” to yourself or another until you have to back it up with many “‘black’ lies”  (seriously, do lies even have a colour?)  to remain convincing, hoping that there is a shade of gray in this whole mess and then hopefully after having done that…you sell off this blatant lie as truth that it becomes soo customized that you yourself begin to believe in the very lie that you have contrived and put together on your own. This is called SELF-DECEPTION. I find this type of thing to be a scary activity that I have seen others participate in it on a regular basis.

Choosing to remain in denial of the truth is choosing to live a lie and believe it too.

This is how people develop a SEARED CONSCIENCE.

The attitudes of those I have witnessed to have such a seared conscience are rather cold and calculating…that the mere presence of them wreaks of evil.

Like I said in an earlier post…I’ve seen a lot of evil in my day… and what I can tell you is that having seen a person acting on a seared conscience….you can tell when what governs their hearts, their minds and their spirit is utter darkness throughout their conduct.

As Christians, we must be vigilant to keep our conscience clear.

Daily repentance shields us from believing that “gray areas” exist in regarding what is RIGHT and WRONG when the Bible is clear in its guidelines.

King David knew how to keep his conscience clear even though there were many instances where he was tempted to stray from the path of righteousness before God. King David acknowledged his weaknesses and refused to be in denial of his sinful actions especially after being reprimanded by Prophet Nathan over his sin of Adultery with Uriah’s wife Bethsheba. God loved David enough to warn him of his crime through a Prophet to give him a chance to change his ways. David took that chance and repented for his actions even though he reaped some of the things that he had sown because he wanted to keep remaining in right standing before God.

How many of us want to keep remaining in Right Standing with the Lord?

When we sin…we don’t offend the Bible…we offend GOD. However, not many people see it this way, even those that lack the reverential Fear of God will not even blink twice when they run quickly to do evil. This is totally my opinion, you can agree or disagree with it because you are entitled to your own opinion. This is just what I believe to be true. 

My dear friends, we must not be deceived of the subtleties of compromise. We must remain vigiliant and stand up for the truth for what it is, even if the truth is unpopular to someone else or even if the truth in its own way offends ourselves. We have to stand for what is right at the end of the day. We cannot afford to sear our conscience….If we do….we will end up like King Saul who didn’t think twice to run quickly to evil. He even went as far as seeking advice from the adversary through the use of a medium rather than seeking God for answers towards what is true which indicates the repercussions for those that pursue a lifestyle that is perpetuated by believing in a lie; one quickly runs to evil for answers, seeking ‘a truth’ from an evil source which is falsehood; a lie; and an idea that is contrary to the truth. When we sear our conscience…we  not only start believing in a lie…but we ultimately start seeking how to live and perpetuate that lie to satisfy the desires of the flesh. King Saul’s life ended tragically as his soul was darkened by hatred and blood lust fueled by his arrogance and Pride that even God rejected him from being king of Israel and had replaced him with a humble-spirited young shepherd, little David, who maintained a lifestyle always in pursuit of Holiness while struggling with his weaknesses. David pleased God more than Saul ever did.

God abides with us in the Truth. Lies separate us from the Truth and inevitably we get separated from God if we choose to believe in a lie and nurture a contrary spirit that resists the truth and the workings of the HOLY SPIRIT, so heed this warning seriously.  

Humility is key… so for those that are thinking “How far can I go?” and “How far is too far?”, I suggest that you stop thinking in this way…and start thinking “What is the right thing for me to do?”. When you contemplate on what is right…you pursue the truth and that is how we remain in right standing. Compromise subtly leads us astray, but when you remember this question:  What is the right thing for me to do?” you will be brought back on the right path that leaves no room for gray areas. Pursue the truth with much fear and trembling everybody and leave no room for self-deception to creep in, AMEN!

God bless you everybody!

Related Articles:

Revisiting: Your Truth, My Truth, The Truth  by Michael

The Hidden Temptation in the ‘Corner of the Robe’ by Evangelist Shyju Mathew


Scriptures to Meditate

1 John 2:24
[ Let Truth Abide in You ] Therefore let that abide in you which you heard from the beginning. If what you heard from the beginning abides in you, you also will abide in the Son and in the Father.

1 John 3:24
[ The Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Error ] Now he who keeps His commandments abides in Him, and He in him. And by this we know that He abides in us, by the Spirit whom He has given us.

The Great Apostasy

4 Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.

John 8:31
[ The Truth Shall Make You Free ] Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed.

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Just felt inspired to write this and felt it appropriate to share it here on my other blog. Enjoy 😀

Ramblings of a Creative Mind



The Watchwoman

Who are they that steal the gates?!

The Watchwoman stands on guard,  ’tis late.

A weapon in one hand and hour glass in another,

She watches o’er the City even through the midnight hour,

Knowing the forth hour is her nearing power,

to defeat the intruders that lay in wait behind the gates,

She watches the City till the mornin’ breaks,

Where the thieves and the murders that fill the City each night,

Come treadin’ beneath the shadows 

tryin’ to loot and plunder whatever has caught their sights,

with every foot that treads and every whisper spoken in the dark,

the Watchwoman looks yonder, she’ll protect her tower,

The City is hers to keep, no enemy will overpower,

When morning soon breaks she cleaves to her weapons power,

aimed at the scoffers, the rebellions known also as “the fowlers”.

She pulls the trigger to begin her victory,

as her adversaries cower…

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Consumer Worship

Hi Everybody!

Happy TGIF!

Well, I hope you are all having a blessed week :D. I wanted to give you all a wonderful vid to look at today concerning how we view worship. Worship is important to me and I can’t help but notice that I seem to be having an ongoing theme regarding it. Like I said before, Worship is not a Sunday affair. It should be a daily practice that can be demonstrated in how you give of yourself and your time to the Lord. I hope people don’t have a designated 5 minute time slot for the Lord when He is always with you every single moment of every single day. Unfortunately, many Christians are giving the Lord the silent treatment acting like He’s not there so today, I would like for us to think about what you have done to show God how much you love Him. I sing about Him, I write, I give my time and money to the things of the Lord, I read, I talk about Him…God is always on my mind everyday. I pray that we also have Him in our hearts each day. Worship God with all of your mind, body and your soul everybody. God deserves our Worship 🙂 .

May this video bless your spirit today! God bless you everybody!

Do the New – Have a Revolutionary Church Service! – #GTH Blog

There was one thing that bothered me about our family prayer – it was too monotonous. It had two songs to sing, a psalm to read, and everyone prayed. Mamma prayed the longest while my sister and I picked at each other.

It was alright once and twice but then it became more of a ritual. And if we missed any part of it, there was nothing short of judgement that we felt on us. (Important to ponder on how to keep your family prayers fresh – oh my, I am a parent already!)


I wonder if our church services have become rituals too. The only thing that changes everything about a service is the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Apart from that it is simply a ritual and a tradition passed down the years.

Ask Questions!

Good to ask, why do we do what we do? If we don’t have a solid answer other than it was something that has always been done, it is time to change.

One thing, I did not understand in our culture was that almost after 45 minutes of worship three people would pray extremely long prayers for the blessing of the meeting. And I would wonder, so what was the last 45 minutes about? Or didn’t that need God’s blessing?

How about some churches that still have testimonies that have no head or tail, no beginning or end, for somebody’s joy at the expense of everyone’s time. Testimonies in the church must be highly monitored as you are in an assembly.

One of the infamous testimonies is about a lady who got to testify about her dying goat and she wept and wept. And she cried more because her pastor’s beard resembled that of the goat. Now I don’t know if that is a true story but quite a popular one.

Questions you need to ask while deciding to include in your service timings the testimonies or even entertaining guests are:

Does this glorify God?
Is this going to a blessing?
Is this something the pastor has to summarise?
Is this worth everybody’s time?

A young church planter recently asked me, what can I do different in my church service? I simply said, “Don’t do the done, seek God for the new”.


Read More at:

Do the New – Have a Revolutionary Church Service! – #GTH Blog.