The Blood of Jesus – What is Living by Grace?

Hi Everybody!

It’s been a while since I wrote a post apart from my story telling time so I’m just getting back into that mode again today. Today, is a wonderful day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it. For those of you that read my story about The Man by the Bus Stop , thank you very much for your input and encouragement. I was a little nervous about putting it up on Wpress at first but then I figured my fears are unfounded and just went and did it anyway. Many of you have caught on to what the message was about which is great because I was trying to convey it in the best way I could so that people don’t misinterpret the message. Using a lot of symbolism such as the red umbrella was a great mechanism for me to use to allude to the covering that we all share under the blood of Jesus Christ. There will definitely more stories to come once I get around to it.

We as the bride of Christ should not forget that our groom who is Jesus Christ awaits us in the coming last days. I think to a large extent we take life for granted and assume that living by grace alone is ok while some still continue to live lives that contradict this grace that we have on our lives. I think to a large extent people don’t seem to understand what true grace is. In my opinion, I believe that GRACE is a probationary period to change our ways as we pursue to walk in right standing before our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. He is the plumb-line used to measure those that are walking right next to him amongst His people since He is our righteousness. Many people think that just because the Blood of Jesus covers all sin, they think that they have a license to keep on sinning so long as they remember to plead the blood of Jesus over their lives on a regular basis. I think that for those who think this way, they are running into a dangerous corner of self-deception if they think that merely pleading the blood over yourself on a daily basis while not making an honest effort to change your ways is enough to keep you from going to hell. People, do not be deceived with this way of thinking!

When we repent, we  must actually turn completely around from doing evil and pursue towards the path of righteousness. It’s one thing to get saved, but it is totally another thing to keep and stay saved. Salvation starts off as a decision, but it doesn’t stop there because it is an ongoing  journey with the Lord until you reach the prize.

The question I have for people today is how far along have you gone along in this journey? 

I know based on my own experiences that I have been challenged countless times, but at the end of the day, we must look at the road set before us and seriously consider the uphill battles we will face. These battles are called SPIRITUAL WARFARE. Salvation isn’t a walk in the park everybody. Whoever makes you assume that everything will be a candy cane experience after you accept Jesus Christ  as Lord isn’t telling you the entire story. Salvation is a mountain top that we seek to climb until we reach its peak. The higher up you climb, the higher the pressure and the more difficult it becomes to breathe that you will feel like fainting or collapsing just because the pressure is that great when pursuing such high altitudes. Many people start off great, thinking that the  walk along the base of a  mountain seems to be easy, but as you continue to push forward on upwards, you will realize the reality of the battles that lay before  you and ahead of you as you continue to climb. Even though that is the case, keep pressing forward and never give up!  At such times we need divine assistance in our uphill battles and that is when we call on the HOLY SPIRIT to guide us. We must never forget to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7), to walk in the Spirit and not in the Flesh (Romans 8:4) when we decide to take up the cross and walk in the journey that God has set before us.

Yes, you will encounter days where you feel like giving up and that is where you sit on the journey to later get back up again after taking a breather rather than turn around and walk back down the mountain. Take a breather each time you encounter battle fatigue. Rest is better than resignation because you regain your energy during that time in order to continue on the journey. When you resign from the journey, you completely lose drive and purpose and eventually end up going back to the same place where you felt most comfortable which is called your “COMFORT ZONE”. Walking up a mountain is no joke…believe me…I’ve done it before and I don’t know if I’ll ever do that again; However, staying at the base of it never trying to push beyond your limits is also a dis-service to yourself as well. I know I have comfort zones that I need to tackle and sometimes I get really irked out when some people try to push me off the ledge and into the water. It is at those moments where you decide to either sink or swim. Hopefully, you decide to swim because sinking should never be the option at the end of the day.

So when you walk with the Lord in your daily battles, remember to thank God for the blood that is able to cover us each day since His mercies are new each morning (Lamentations 3:22-24). Thank God for the grace in your lives, but don’t take the Lord’s grace over your life for granted. Remember that the Lord’s grace is like a probationary period to change your ways. Just like our worldly legal system provides a grace period for people to change their conduct, this probationary period also has an expiry date to consider the final outcome during sentencing. Ensure that your life is measuring up to a sentence that drops all charges over you rather than incurring judgment because of deciding to violate your probationary period. God’s grace is a probationary period to change your ways…so decide to stay saved.

We are entering into a new season since we are in the ninth month of this year. The number nine biblically means judgement so we cannot fool with this season. We have only 4 months of this year left before we reach the end of the year of God’s divine Government being established. I believe that revivals are going to break forth like we’ve never seen before. I believe that we’re going to see a greater manifestation of God’s grace in our lives if we believe for it. There will be a season of miracles that will become like the talk of the town during that season. All of these things are yet to come if we believe. There will be a greater dispensation of God’s spirit on the present generation rising. I believe all these things by faith. I speak all of these things into the atmosphere seeking God’s Will will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.  Praise God for the new things that will and are yet to occur. God is definitely focused on His bride so prepare yourself Body of Christ for the arrival of our groom.

I have a song here by Mryon Butler that I’ve been listening to for the past few days called The blood of Jesus. May this song bless your spirit today. God bless you everybody! Registered & Protected