The Measure of Your Life – Tragedy into Triumph

Hello Peeps!

Related imageI have this short inspirational video of Inqouris “Inky” Johnson’s testimony. For those of you that don’t know who he is, Inky is an American motivational speaker and former college football player. His football career ended in 2006 at the University of Tennessee with an injury that permanently paralyzed his right arm. Despite that tragedy that Inky experienced, he went on to study psychology and is now a motivational speaker at schools, community centers and ceremonies throughout the United States. He has been the keynote speaker at numerous events, including the Greater Knoxville Sports Hall of Fame induction ceremony (Info Source:

the pain

Image result for inky johnsonThe thing I loved about his speech is with respect to where he put most of his expectations and faith in. When certain things we create as mini-idols in our lives are stripped away, you’ve got to ask yourself, what is there that is left? Are the things you are pursuing in life the sum of who you are, or are we simply forgetting that the sum of who we are is in whom we put our faith and trust in? Inky began to realize the fragility of placing your faith in the wrong things and began to see how God remains the same yesterday, today and forever for his life. As you watch this video, remember that many things in this life will pass away, but God will always remain the same. I pray that this video blesses your spirit today. God Bless You Everybody! 😀

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