Reconditioning Your Mind to have Barrier Breaking Faith

Hello Peeps!

I wanted to post this inspirational short video about Dwayne “The ROCK” Johnson. I’m not going to spoil this short video by giving you a synopsis regarding his life so what I will say is that his “Rags to Riches” story just goes to show you that where you start in life does not determine how you’ll finish. 

Image result for break barriers quotesPeople may laugh at your beginning, but when you keep pushing forward towards your goals and start to obtain them, such people will stop laughing and start gazing at you in disbelief. Yes, you will face periods in your life where you will feel like a failure, you’ll feel depressed and discouraged when you find yourself in a disadvantaged position and most likely you’ll feel like throwing in the towel and even suicidal; however, the moment you start to think that “Enough is Enough! I want out of this mess!” — that’s when your mind has shifted into the realm where you want to break the barrier. That is when you start to chart the course of your life to no longer settle for less than God’s best. That is when you start to believe that there must be more to your life than this.

Image result for break barriers quotes

The moment you can visualize past your current circumstances is when you have allowed God to intervene and chart your course into the realm of barrier-breaking FAITH. You don’t have to be a Christian to understand this principle. In fact, many non-believers operate in this realm even without knowing God. So why is it that as believers, we fail to do the same? Do we not know Who is inside of us?

You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

Image result for break barriers quotesThe one thing I also need to stress, is that sometimes as Christians we can be needy and discontent when we simply expect things to fall into our laps like manna from Heaven. Gone are the days when things used to simply fall into our laps (Children of Israel) – Old Testament Era. God is now all about FAITH WITH WORKS! – New Testament Era. We all should know the scriptures that say: “Faith without works is dead….” (James 2:14James 2:18James 2:20James 2:26); however, Jesus also emphasizes that we also need to have faith to believe for what we seek otherwise our faith would be of no effect.

Matthew 13:57-58 NKJV

57 So they were offended at HimBut Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his own house.” 58 Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief.

Funny Eve 5

“Don’t cry me a river if you’re lazy.” – God

So think about this when you pray; if you don’t believe God for whatever it is that you seek, then you won’t receive it. It’s as simple as that. Don’t cry a river to God over something that you don’t even have the faith the size of a mustard seed to receive that which you yearn for.

Faith is the key to obtaining the things you want. If you won’t work your faith out, then don’t expect to receive anything like a “hand me down” out of sheer laziness. Learn to put your faith into action and see how God will manifest your desired results. I pray that the video I’ve posted here today will bless your spirit. God Bless You Everybody 😀 !

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