EX-Porn Star Danielle’s Story: How I Got out of the Porn Industry

Hi Everybody!

Again, I’m putting another disclaimer for this post. It’s quite heavy and yet mind-blowing. It is definitely for an 18+ audience with graphic details so please watch at your discretion. It is mature subject matter and yet I feel for those that struggle with watching Porn, this video testimony might enlighten you, for those that know of anyone thinking of going into this industry or are in it, know that you can get out of it and that you don’t have to stay there, whether you’re a guy or girl.

Danielle William’s Story

When I first watched Danielle’s story, I was heart-broken and yet sobered up by the realities of other peoples struggles. Her testimony sheds light on how women see themselves, what addictions are and how such places as the Porn industry work to ruin lives of those who watch it and also those engaged in the industry. The Devil is real people. What I found interesting in her testimony is how many people who participated in watching porn were also the very same who would pay to have porn-stars like Danielle and or prostitutes as their personal escort were also “Christian” men in the Church. Now, I know we have a lot of people in the world who struggle with Porn, but we can’t act like it’s not in our back yard. What I also love about her testimony is that she explains how she still felt she was a Christian even though she wasn’t living up to the standards of her beliefs. God revealed to her the truth of what she was living through and how “Money” played a big role in her continuing to be a Porn Star. Money became her God and this led her to be trapped for a time in this dangerous and risky business. She explains the role that STD’s and AIDS plays out in the industry and she also explains how much women make versus what men make in the industry.

Watch her video

After watching it, I thought to myself that Pornography is definitely the devil’s play ground. Although I was exposed to it at the age of 5, I felt that the pictures were rather degrading and evil. Women are not creatures with insatiable desires as these pictures depict and it is no wonder why some young ladies dress up scantily clad trying to imitate these pictures just to get a guy to “notice” them. Their self image in these pictures and videos sell an idea that assumes you have to do these things to get noticed, to get appreciated to get validated as an attractive woman and to get “loved”. These are definitely lies from the pits of hell being fed into especially young minds of young girls and boys that need to be dismantled. Ladies, I’m here to tell you that God didn’t design you to be this way.God created every person to be fearfully and wonderfully made.

Psalm 139:14
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.

Virtue should be your mantle and not these scandalous and dangerous activities. It is easy to land in these places and you’ve got to wonder, is it such a mystery as to why some men and women struggle with bulimia, anorexia nervosa, self-injury, suicidal thoughts, drugs, alcohol etc  to numb the pain when they are bombarded with magazines,  television, advertisements in different forms of social media that depict images of what an ideal man or woman should be by the world’s standards? No, it is not a mystery and yet things like Pornography which is a mutli-billion making industry fuel these ideas by those fueled by greed, money and lust at the expense of our generations losing their self-worth and identity. We are losing generations folks, to perversion and violence and the more we hide it under the rug, the more we allow for this culture of genocide to continue. That’s right, you read correctly when I said a “Culture of genocide”. I know using the term genocide sounds strong, but generations are dying because of how we have allowed for such things to control our society, our families and our children.

We feed addictions at the cost of people’s lives and I find this all to be rather really sad and it grieves my spirit to know that young people can’t talk about this stuff freely because of ridicule and condemnation, especially those that are in the church. It is yet another hush hush topic and some are afraid of being judged in a Christian circle because of the high standard expected of young people. The ‘I’m a Christian and yet I struggle with watching porn” isn’t something someone wants to testify let alone admit to because of the thought of, “What’s wrong with me?…I know that it’s wrong but I can’t seem to stop”.

People, it’s a serious stronghold that needs to be broken with much deliverance and healing and EDUCATION.

Christian or no Christian, Porn has it’s own demons and it doesn’t discriminate on who its victims are…you can be a Christian and watch it and you can be a Non-believer and watch it, but the effects of Porn remains the same. It breaks people’s spirits, it breaks relationships and peoples marriages. Let me just say that men aren’t the only participants who watch it, young girls do too from the ones I’ve talked too, but they are ashamed to reveal that because of the social stigma that places women at a higher standard than men to be participating in these activities. I’m here to tell you that women watch Pornography just as much as men do, but many books always focus on men’s issues regarding it because we know it’s an obvious area that targets men, but trust me when I say that there are a lot of closet women who do watch it too and it is no wonder why there is a rise in pre-marital sex, there is a rise of single-mothers all because Sex has been perverted by this industry (as a factor but not the only reason) that thrives to drive people away from what God intended sex to be for which is for the sacred institution of Marriage with One Man and One Woman – just to make that clear.

My abuser obviously had a problem with Porn and she was a woman…a “Christian” one at that… so don’t assume that I’m only talking to men who watch it because women do too and for different reasons. For men it maybe more for physical release whereas for women it maybe more for emotional release.  I won’t profess to be an expert on this topic, but I’m just laying out my opinions. I’d be very interested to hear other people’s feed back on this so please by all means comment below and let’s have a discussion.

For the men that watch it, I’m not here to condemn you at all about those that watch it, but understand how you viewing it continues the violence that these young women experience. There has been research to support that most sexual offenders imitate what they have seen in Porn videos and afflict the same activities on their victims. Sex Trafficking is a major issue in foreign countries and it is also happening in our back yards which is also another arm to fuel the Porn industry. Men…you have to break the cycle if you want to be serious. You must believe that you can overcome the temptation of it all by admitting that you may have a problem and you need some accountability for it. Seek support groups and do what you have to do in order to be set free from the addiction of watching Porn. God want’s you to know that we all have the ability to have self-control and you need to embrace that truth.

2 Timothy 1:7
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and selfcontrol.

Titus 2:12
It has trained us to reject and renounce all ungodliness (irreligion) and worldly (passionate) desires, to live discreet (temperate, selfcontrolled), upright, devout (spiritually whole) lives in this present world,

2 Peter 1:6
And in [exercising] knowledge [develop] selfcontrol, and in [exercising] selfcontrol [develop] steadfastness (patience, endurance), and in [exercising] steadfastness [develop] godliness (piety),

Suffer no delusions and wake up people! You are a victim if you watch it and/or participate in it, but God wants to break these addictions and the only way to be free from them is by confessing it for what it is (Repentance) and then seeking some Godly counsel or some effective support groups to help deal with these issues before they spiral out of control.

Porn effects both men and women, young or old in respect to their self-image.

Remember Danielle’s testimony and realize that this industry affects how we view ourselves for those  of us who are in the Body of Christ. I encourage everybody to do some serious soul searching and some real-talk about this issue with some support system and accountability partners so that we break the cycle of self-abuse and continual abuse-by-proxy by continuing to watch Porn that affect the people who participate in the industry. Spread the word and feel free to share this post if you think it will help somebody.

Danielle is an amazing conqueror and overcomer as an EX-Porn star that has battled her demons in this evil industry and she is a living testimony that you can be set free from the stronghold of the Porn industry and from Pornography.

The glamor of it all is false and it’s amazing how young ladies are suckered into this place driven by lust and money. Guard your children parents! Vigilance is key here especially in their formative years. Consider that Men, if you don’t show the proper respect you have for your wives and daughters…your children will look elsewhere for some validation. God forbid if they land in this industry that may cater to their emotional needs not being met or other perverse avenues. Mothers, your sons need to be taught how to respect women by you being an example that is attractive to follow. A women of virtue is definitely a Proverbs 31 woman. They need to respect you at home and Fathers need to train men in the way they should go so that they don’t depart from your wisdom.

Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.

Ephesians 6:4
Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.

Do not judge your children harshly if you find out that they do in fact struggle with Porn or drugs or whatever addiction. The last thing a child wants to hear after they confess their issues is utter condemnation from their parents…this continues to facilitate their silence. Be open and discuss openly rather than fueling their silence to their struggles with your criticism. Ask yourself how would Jesus address the issue, with Love? or Condemnation? You play such a vital role in a Child’s life and freedom comes in an environment where love surrounds them and cultivates a safety net where they are free to express themselves without fear of condemnation. You can shut a child down by condemning words rather than with compassion.

Well that’s all I have to say  on this topic so I hope this post blesses somebody today and may Truth break the silence.

I recommend Sister Res’s blog for more information regarding information on the topic of sexual abuse. She has amazing posts that have ministered to my spirit. I totally recommend them.

Articles of interest from her blog are:

Sex Trafficking from the 13th Floor

The Bible and Child Sexual Abuse I

The Bible and Child Sexual Abuse II

I also Recommend these Resources via http://therproject.org/wp/cornerstone-church/fighting-for-purity/:


X3 watch – FREE. X3 watch sends fortnightly reports to 2 email buddies with questionable sites visited. It also says when the system has been turned off. (works on computer and even handheld devices!)

Covenant Eyes – Covenant Eyes Software provides Internet Integrity with accountability reports.

XXXchurch.com Don’t let the name put you off! This site is doing a great job at fighting for purity online. Very good advice for parents + links to some more helpful sites.


Porn Again Christian – Mark Driscoll


Every Man’s Battle by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker

Sex is Not the Problem, Lust Is by Joshua Harris

Sexual Detox: A Guide for Guys Who are Sick of Porn by Tim Challies

To Finish off, I also have a Song from J.R. called Temptations. May this song Minister to you today.

God bless you Everybody!

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19 thoughts on “EX-Porn Star Danielle’s Story: How I Got out of the Porn Industry

  1. Oh my goodness. I will pray about this matter as I indirectly know a girl who is a stripper. My best friend in another state had a new neighbor move in from Detroit and she is doing the same thing. I’m not quite sure if there are some generational curses going on but she and her mother just live a life that does not show an integrity of a woman. It’s ” go for what you know ” mainframe while 2 small children are suffering. My friend has babysat for the mother and grandmother.

    I can only imagine the fear and pain that can come along with doing something that could get you killed. My best friend fell away from the Lord some years ago and is scarred because of a bad marriage to someone who worked for the church. I do what I can to minister to her from afar. I can only hope and pray she turns back to God and hopefully will be able to reach out to the neighbor in love to let her know that change happen. Money becomes a god to people and will do whatever they have to do to get paid. This applies to men and women alike whether it’s porn or selling drugs to being a thief/robber.

    Thank you for sharing this story Sherline. I pray that many more eyes are opened to this that sin would die in their life so that Jesus can live in them.

    Blessings to you,


    • Wow Terra,

      I think that a lot of these things happen for a number of reasons, but mostly because of open doors in people lives that gives room for more and more sin to enter. Some people sin to the point of being completly driven by the lust of their carnal desires and start to operate in very evil ways to cultivate that system of habitual sin. It becomes natural to engage in sin that their conscience is left seared. I find that rather scary because they can be very cold and calculating. Those that don’t practice self-control and self-retraint leave a revolving door of troubles at their address.

      That is why we must hold every thought captive to the obedience of Christ through His Word in the Bible.

      2 Corinthians 10:5
      We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ

      The thing is, most people, particular some so-called Christians don’t meditate on the Word even though they attend Church every Sunday. People should not be deceived into thinking that by attending church you remain “saved”. Attending Church doesn’t keep you saved, knowing the Word and living it out does. If people don’t even know what the Word says about many categories of sin, then Hosea 4:6 is in effect in their lives.

      God always keeps saying “For a lack of knowledge, My people Perish”. People need to understand that ignorance isn’t going to help you in your walk if you don’t seek the true wisdom you can find in the Word.

      I will pray with you in agreement concerning your friend, and I pray that the Neighbour wakes up. Maybe if she sees this video it might change her?

      You pointed out that Generational curses could be an issue, and then there are curses brought upon and individual by personal choice to engage in sinful behaviour. Either way, confession, repentance and renounciation of all these things is the only way to be break the cycle and set free from it, and then of course essentially turning away from activities that allow the person to engage in sin and doing what is right before God should be the next step. It’s always good to have accountability partners and prayer covering. As intercessors, we might have to step our game up in this department to see change happen.

      The most important thing is exposing the sin and then educating people about it and then working to overcome it.

      Thanks for reading Terra. You are such a blessing.
      Stay blessed hun.

      Sherline 😀


  2. Passionate and real… A heart touching video. Thanks Sherline for an informative blog post today. You dont just get an idea you research it and make it come alive. You are valuable and your gift is unique


  3. […] Abuse Preventionwhen a male child sexual abuse survivor speaks outQuestion About Iphone 4s 2011EX-Porn Star Danielle’s Story: How I Got out of the Porn Industry ul.legalfooter li{ list-style:none; float:left; padding-right:20px; } .accept{ display:none; […]


  4. Hello Sherline, thank you for sharing this link with me, being a male satan lured me into porn addiction with seeing the women as “eye candy” and on various porn sites there is so many “eye candy’ to choose from. I recently kicked the addiction with the help of the Lords power and mercy.

    I already knew a lot of bad aspects of the porn industry but satan always made sure to place the blinder barriers in the right angle for the out of sight out of mind effect. It wasn’t until the Lord gave me quite a few dreams that turned into nightmares before I was willing to look past the blinder barriers.

    I had a nightmare where the women had scaly like skin and two days after that nightmare I saw a secular music video on the front page of You Tube and in the video they had women in cages representing various demons and their skin was scaly. I became very sick to my stomach and turned my addiction over to the Lord I completely surrender myself because I was afraid that if I didn’t wake up the next day my once sexual lust was going to become my most worst nightmare for eternity.

    With Gods Powers and Grace I can say The Lust Game Is Done For Me

    God Bless,
    Sincerely R.3.I.G.N.,
    [R]eaching [3]veryone [I]n [G]ods [N]ame


    • Thank God for the victory Bro S^K.

      It takes a lot to be transparent about the struggles we face each day especially with sins that make us feel so ashamed that we sometimes lose our voice to call it out for what it is. The spirit of Lust likes to play games with our emotions in that it is a “guilty pleasure” to indulge in. In most cases, the best way to break the stronghold of lust is to starve it. Lust feeds off our desires by creating situations of temptation. It ambushes you sometimes when you least expect it, but the only way to combat it is to literally run away from it once you have recognised the trap. Resis the devil and he will flee James 4:7. In some cases the Spirit of God in you is willing, but the flesh is weak, however, this is why we need to be anchored more in prayer. We cannot tackle strongholds with just might and power alone. You need the Spirit of God to break free. Sometimes Fasting is required to break free completely because it helps you get focused on what God wants for you so that your mind meditates on the Word in order to not stray from it. You also need faith and accountability when dealing with the spirit of Lust/addiction. Porn is a stronghold that has been attacking the church for centuries because it’s heavily rooted in perversion. I suggest that you also consider having accountability partners with people outside of your family who you can trust to help you stay on track. If you find that you fall back into it time and time again, it’s best to have accountability partners who you can call and pray in aggreement when you feel the urge to stray. Such Strongholds aren’t ones to toy with, and sometimes such strongholds can be generationally passed down from your forefathers that you literally have to fast in order to break that generational sin pattern, so it’s important to build a strong intercessory and accountability group around you to help you stay on track. I’m glad that you feel set free from it all and I pray that you continue to seek God for strength to fight each battle that comes from day to day. As Christians, the greatest battles we face each day is our battle of Faith. Never forget that the devil wants to steal you faith more than anything so remain anchored in the Christ through the Word of God, Amen.

      Sherline 😀


  5. Hey there,

    I am a young Aussie ‘bloke’ who happened across this post. ‘Tbh’ I was googling “ex-porn stars turned christian talk” to see what would come up. The reason I did this was because I have had a huge problem with porn for atleast 12-13 years, I’m 23 now. Used to do drugs and get drunk and sleep around, did many things I’m ashamed of and some things I don’t know If I could ever share with anyone. I actually discovered masturbation without any help of the sexual media all by myself at a very young age. I think this discovery really tarnished a lot of the natural innocence of my younger years.

    I am a Christian now, praise God! God has been so kind and good to me in so many ways my eyes well up just beginning to think about it. I am newly married and I tried so, so, so hard to rid myself of my immoral perversions that I had lead myself into, so that I could find a woman and really ‘love’ her you know? My wife is so amazing though.

    I am doing so much better now than ever before, it’s like my ‘slip-ups’ get fewer and farther between than ever before. But still I know that when it comes to beautiful women, I immediately look and think of them as just objects! It deeply saddens me that I keep doing it but I don’t seem to be able to stop myself. I know of many of the hardships and terrible things porn-stars face and how it is an exploitative industry. But still no matter how bad I know it is, there is still that part in me, deep down, that loves sexual sin and immorality.

    You know how you feel bad for wanting something you know is wrong, you have to admit that you do want it, even though, at the same time, you don’t want to like it! I often think that for the christian who struggles with sexual immorality and sinful sexual struggles, it’s like being bi-polar. Clearly this is what the apostle Paul teaches in Romans 6 & 7.

    At the moment my greatest struggle is that I work in a very affluent area, and hence there are many rich and beautiful women EVERYWHERE! I am a postman, in Australia, post men (posties) work on motorbikes and bicycles and deliver mail door-to-door every week day, Australia wide. I couldn’t tell you how many times I have had to deliver a parcel or some registered mail to a house only to have a half naked woman or young lady, who has probably been doing yoga in her underwear, answer the door shamelessly. Even women having to hide behind the door because they are ‘stark naked!’ Others just out of the shower barely draped in a towel. I tell them I’ll wait for them to get decent, often they get offended by this!

    I am young and fit Because I ride a bicycle everyday and I feel like perhaps the women get a kick out of answering the door to me in this fashion, or perhaps they expect so little out of men nowadays. It shames me that society is so degraded. I know that women are more than a chunk of meat, they are a mind and emotions and a soul. Women are intelligent and creative and yet vast majorities of women portray themselves as just chunks of meat to be stared at.

    The worst part of it is that I always find myself or catch myself doing it too when at work, riding around the neighbourhood for 5 hours, 5 days a week. Everywhere I look, another beautiful woman… I known that at the end of the day the problem is with me! I just simply don’t know how to REALLY love women. I don’t know how to see them as lost human beings who don’t know God and how great He is. I can do it with men but with beautiful women…? Maybe you can help me out here!?

    From Australia with love,

    P.s. Sorry for the essay 😉


    • Hi Jad,

      Thanks for reading and commenting on my blog. I’ll try to answer you the best way that I can. I totally understand the dilemma you are facing and I want you to understand that you are not the only one who has gone through this and you are not the only one still going through this. First of, let’s call it what it is, you are dealing with “Lust”. You are struggling with the spirit of “Lust” and that is what causes you to objectify women/people in the first place. Lust has nothing to do with love because it is a selfish – self-gratifying spirit. If anything you need to pray to the Lord to have you delivered from that spirit. Secondly, with porn you can shut out the noise, and not shut out the image, you can shut out the image, but then you might not be able to shut out the memory of those images. This is where you need to seek God to ask Him to clean and purify your thoughts and memories from these images. You can use this scripture in your prayer:

      Philippians 4:8
      [ Meditate on These Things ] Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.

      And this other scripture comes to mind from 2 Corinthians 10:5 – casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,

      Lust associated to Porn exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ in your life in that it consumes your time and attention to focus on it like an “idol” rather than on things that are praiseworthy and are of God. Ask God to arrest these thoughts if they fill up your mind. I admit that I’m not an expert in this area, but I’ve read many books and I guess the one thing with any addiction, many advise that instead of feeding an addiction, starve it. The addiction in your case, you seem to project that it is your environment that is to blame, but really, it’s your thought process around it that you need to safeguard. The truth is, your environment may never change (with respect to the nature of your job) even if you want it to, so the only thing you have the power to change is your mind about how you view it. I know, what I’ve said seems easier said then done, but it can be done.

      I applaud the fact that you are “actively” trying to maintain your integrity by looking away or telling the ladies that you meet on the job to be dressed decent during your working hours. The struggle will always be there, however, I think you are heading in the right direction by being consciously aware that temptation is all around you, but at the end of it, do you yield to it or do you choose to preserve not only your integrity but your marriage?

      Joseph in the Bible was also faced with on-the-job temptation and lust from His boss’ wife (Potipher’s wife) who brazenly wanted to sleep with him and then accused Joseph for attempting to rape her when that wasn’t the case just because she was ashamed and upset that he rejected her advances:

      Genesis 39:6-12 New King James Version (NKJV)

      6 Thus he left all that he had in Joseph’s hand, and he did not know what he had except for the bread which he ate.
      Now Joseph was handsome in form and appearance.
      7 And it came to pass after these things that his master’s wife cast longing eyes on Joseph, and she said, “Lie with me.”
      8 But he refused and said to his master’s wife, “Look, my master does not know what is with me in the house, and he has committed all that he has to my hand. 9 There is no one greater in this house than I, nor has he kept back anything from me but you, because you are his wife. How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?”
      10 So it was, as she spoke to Joseph day by day, that he did not heed her, to lie with her or to be with her.
      11 But it happened about this time, when Joseph went into the house to do his work, and none of the men of the house was inside, 12 that she caught him by his garment, saying, “Lie with me.” But he left his garment in her hand, and fled and ran outside.

      As you can see, temptation was always around Joseph, but he chose to maintain his integrity and not destroy his boss’ marriage to his wife and his own life by resisting temptation. You have to resist temptation actively at all times. It isn’t easy but using Joseph as an example, it clearly can be done. How do you move from lust to love and from object to person? Do you carry a picture of your wife when you go to work? I suggest that you do so so that whenever you see other women, and lust starts kicking in, you have a physical reminder with you that no matter how good something appears, you have genuine love waiting for you at home. Also consider, lust is like a drug…if you fuel it, you’ll drown in it when you act on it. You need to starve your body of it to become sober.

      My recommendation is probably to share your struggle with your wife (when you feel ready to do so) and probably go for one-on-one counseling with a male pastor/priest at your church that you can confide in that specializes in this area so that you can work through it and talk openly about this and pray about it together. You need an accountability partner (a mature male christian you can confide in and pray with regarding this area of weakness). You can also read books on porn addiction and consult with centers of addiction in your area if you have any in your area to ask them for material or exercises they can provide to help you overcome what you are dealing with. Feelings of guilt and shame will always come when you are battling the spirit of lust, however, you should not feel condemnation over this because as it says in Hebrews 4:15 For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.

      God knows what you are going through, however, you must know that you can overcome with the power of His help.I don’t know if this answers your question because I’m not an expert in this area. All I can do is refer you to resources and advise you to seek out help in this area. Do not be discouraged and believe that you can overcome this temptation and issue of lust with prayer and proper Christian counseling in this area.

      May God Help you and Bless you.

      Blessings from your sister in Christ,
      Sherline. 🙂


  6. wow I am blessed. Started watching porn at an early age of 13, got hooked to it when I got full internet access in Varsity at 18. Now I am 27, tried repenting plenty off times yet failed dismally. I am literally tired of feeding lust, jerking off and seeing women as objects, porn messes our minds up. But this year I will definitely win the battle over myself, I know Jesus will come through for me. He called me several times in church, all to no avail because of the shame and guilt around the addiction issue. Please pray for me Sherline, I will also pray and fast, you gave me renewed hope that this is really possible. Stay Blessed_



    • Hey Jesse,

      I’m so glad you dropped by and commented. Porn is just one addiction out of many addictions which has the capacity to mess up your life. But despite all this, God shows us that we can overcome not by mere might or power but through Him we can be delivered from all addictions. The battle is real, the challenge you are facing is real, but do not be discouraged, you will win this, you will come out of this victorious. In you mess there is a message and in your test there is a testimony. I will pray with you in agreement and God will answer to your need. Stay blessed hun.

      Sherline. 😀


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