Be of Good Courage – Take Chances and Step out








Motivation for the Day:

Deuteronomy 31:6 (NKJV):
Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” [Emphasis added]

Sometimes it is difficult to be brave and step out to do something that is outside our comfort zone, but when we decide to NOT take that chance and do something to change our current circumstances, we are left with “what would have happened if I had decided to take that chance, that step, that leap of faith?” questions.

How can you know your full potential if you shy away from taking calculated risks and chances to improve your status quo? You have to determine if where you are right now is a place that you are satisfied with. Ask yourself Is this really my LEVEL BEST?  If the answer is no, then you have to question what it is that you are not doing to advance your capacity to do more and achieve above average? Those that aren’t operating at their level best have settled for less and are typically the ones that grumble and complain about those that end up being the over-achievers and over-comers. I’ll be the first and confess that I’ve been one of those complainers *blush*, but consider this — Over achievers did something the complainer didn’t, they took that step of COURAGE and chartered themselves into new territory.

We ask God to enlarge our territory all the time, but we forget that He helps those that help themselves! Take Initiative and You step out and take that leap of FAITH and see your territory increase. Think of Peter who stepped out of the boat to walk on water towards Jesus (Matthew 14:29), or Moses who had to take the children of Israel across the Red sea and watched how the waters divide (Exodus 14:21-22).  God was with them all that time during the process and it all started with them deciding to take the initative and do what has never been done before. They had the COURAGE to step out in FAITH. If you want to see change in your life you have to decide to have the courage to take a leap of Faith and see what happens.

Miracles are derived from Faith in ACTION.

Do you know that it only starts with  just one step?

If you want to have an over-coming attitude, you have to be sick and tired of being sick and tired  of where you are right now. You can change the course of your monotony by breaking out of the cycle of routine and exchange it for something better. Decide to STEP OUT and take a risk. You can only know what is on the other side of the fence if you jump over it. Deciding to be less than the best is actually confirming that you don’t want to be what God wants you to be. How can you reflect God’s image if you are accepting the lie that “you can never amount to be what you are meant to be?” .


You can change your status quo and take courage and be brave and do what has never been done before. You CAN DO this if only you BELIEVE. Faith takes you to increase, Unbelief locks you from the promise. Remember, that prosperity isn’t just having stuff, it’s an ATTITUDE. It’s an attitude that believes in the Jeremiah 29:11 promise.

This is my encouragement for myself and for you today. Stay Blessed everyone! Registered & Protected

20 thoughts on “Be of Good Courage – Take Chances and Step out

  1. Lovely post, Sherline!!! Jeremiah 29:11 is my personal favourite verse, and for some reason, it’s been popping out a lot to me this week! I think it’s because I keep on forgetting 😦
    Thanks for the reminder 🙂


  2. Amen. Great post! Like Abraham, when we step out of our comfort zone to follow God, God will always show Himself to be Jehovah-Jireh. God Bless


    • No story, I just love to motivate people that’s all and also I started this blog as a means of self therapy lol. I talk to myself by encouraging myself when no one else is there to do it. I think of days when I didn’t have that one person who encouraged me or pushed me to do better, to be better and pursue for better and think…well, I can be that person that I didn’t have, and hopefully I may help someone else too who needs that voice of encouragement. Gotta start somewhere right? 😉


  3. That reminds me of all the times when I was so good at encouraging anyone and everyone else, but myself! When I thought about it, it really sucked. So, like you, I’ve decided to be my best and take dominion in every part of my life so that it can actually move forward, especially at those times that I really need it to!


  4. When you strengthen yourself to think positive you empower yourself to empower others. I truly believe that it is possible to deliver yourself out of negative thought patterns provided that you choose to break free from the downward spiral. So far talking to my spirit has helped and yet I agree with you that it does suck when you have no one who’s got your back. I think motivators become what they are because of those seasons of rejection and abandonment and the strong will to not give up. I want to cultivate the ” I won’t give up attitude”. Gotta start now rather than later.


  5. Excellent post on motivation. Sometimes it’s easy to think some people have it easy while others have it difficult. It all starts with the word “self” which I think is a very powerful word. I encourage others to look up to certain people but not at the expense of developing themselves spiritually and emotionally. God bless you 🙂


  6. Hi Sherline,

    Thanks so much for the encouragement. So true, that a journey begins with just one step. The monumental task sometimes, is taking that first step. The image of Peter stepping out on the water, and reaching out for Jesus when he began to sink because he became fearful, was an excellent illustration of Jesus being there to rescue us if we falter, once we have decided to take that first step. Thank you so much for sharing. May the Lord continue to bless you richly.



  7. Encourage yourself by encouraging others and encourage others by encouraging yourself because I belive that we are all one!
    We must expect the best and not complain about what we get.
    All the best Sherline!


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